4-Minute and 770 Rep Bodyweight Workouts

NOTE: There are only 3 days left to enter for your chance to win $1000 of my money in the 21st FREE Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. There is no cost to enter. Read the details and enter here.
You’ll be glad to know that I’m joining you in doing the TT 12-Week Transformation. I’m not trying to lose fat, but I am going to do a Tough Personal Bodyweight Challenge. Over the next 12 weeks I’m going to do 33,333 bodyweight reps, broken down like this:
15,000 Bodyweight Squats
10,000 Pushups
3,000 Bodyweight Rows
2,000 Pullups
1,500 Burpees
1,500 Chinups
333 Handstand Pushups
= 33,333 reps
Oh, and let’s add…
84,000 crunches. <= Just kidding. You should NEVER do crunches. They are as much of a waste of time as slow cardio, as you know from reading TT.
Now let’s get to your FREE Monday workouts. For the hard-core bodyweight lovers, I did my first TT Transformation Challenge Workout last Thursday.
The 770 Rep Bodyweight Circuit Workout
1) Bodyweight Squats – 50 reps
2) Regular Pushups – 20 reps
3) Pullups – 5-6 reps
4) Handstand Pushups – 2-3 reps
5) Burpees – 5 reps
6) Bodyweight Row – 20 reps
7) Close-Grip Pushups – 25 reps
I did 5-6 rounds of the circuit in 28 minutes. I was dripping with sweat and my legs and back were pretty darn tired. It’s going to be a fun & tough climb from 770 reps to 33,333 over the next 12 weeks, but I’m ready for it!
More importantly, I can’t wait to hear about your Transformation. Make sure to go here and get all of the details so you can enter for FREE.
You can also take a look at our past WINNERS on this page:
Enter the 21st TT Transformation Contest for Free Here
Since the 770 rep workout might be too much for you, here are two 4-minute circuits – one beginner and one advanced option:
Beginner 4-Minute Bodyweight Challenge Workout
1) Bodyweight Squats – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
2) Pushups or Kneeling Pushups – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
3) Total Body Extensions – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
4) Bodyweight/TRX Rows – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
– Repeat 1 more time
Advanced 4-Minute Bodyweight Challenge Circuit
1) Bodyweight Squats – 60 seconds
2) Decline Pushups or Regular Pushups – 60 seconds
3) Burpees – 30 seconds
4) Pullups or Bodyweight Rows – 30 seconds
5) Total Body Extensions – 30 seconds
6) Mountain Climbers or Ab Wheel Rollouts – 30 seconds
– Hard-core? Go for one more (round).
Get 51 more bodyweight workout videos here
Enjoy and challenge and transform yourself,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Holiday Nutrition Lessons from Rome!
When in Rome…you can eat well and still lose fat. YES, that includes having gelato (1st pic below is a gelato shop near the Pantheon in Rome), but there’s no need to gorge on it 3 times per day. There are always better options if you are committed to your success – the 2nd photo shows a Roman street cart of fruit, roasted nuts, and even coconut water!
The 3rd photo shows my dinner from the wonderful gardens bar at the Hotel De Russie in Rome…grilled chicken, grilled vegetables, olives, and my preferred pleasure/poison, a Black Russian with Chopin (potato) vodka (I prefer a drink over gelato any day!).
But enjoy with limits. We all must draw the line somewhere, or else why not just stay in bed and eat ice cream all day? (We all know that’s not right!)
So do what is right for YOU and your goals at all times, in all situations. Enjoy life, but stay strong and never give up on what is important to you. (4th and final pic is for fun…a neat little car I discovered on the streets of Rome…now that’s a “Smart Car”. Ha!)