3 ab circuit workouts

You gotta see these.
The next time you are tempted to do some crunches or hop on a cardio machine, use these instead. Good ol’ Mikey Whitfield, CTT, put together three amazing circuits for us (including one on video below).
Ab Finisher #1 “Jumpin’ and Climbin'”
In the first circuit, you’ll perform 6 reps of both climbing exercises.
In the next circuit, you’ll perform 5 reps of both climbing exercises.
Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each climbing exercise.
For the jump rope, you’ll perform 20 secs every circuit.1A) Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks (20 secs) <== Every circuit
1B) Spiderman Climb (6/side… 1/side)
1C) Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks (20 secs) <== Every circuit
1D) X-Body Mountain Climber (6/side…1/side)
– Rest as little as possible between exercises and circuits. Enjoy!
Ab Finisher # 2 – Swing and Step on the 20’s
Do the following exercises like this:
1) KB/DB Swings – 6 rounds of 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest
2) Hand Step-ups – 4 rounds of 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest
No-equipment option: Replace Swings with the Total Body Extension and replace the Hand Step-ups with Hand Walk-outs.
But WAIT…there’s one more…
Here’s a FREE follow-along Abs Finisher video:
Do this ab circuit workout for free
Get abs without doing crunches or cardio,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – You will love this workout.
Go through a sample Ab Finisher with Mikey here.
Do this ab circuit workout for free
Get more results in less time when you get workouts from my expert Certified Turbulence Trainers like Mikey Whitfield.