15 Minute Bodyweight Booty Workout

She called me “The Bodyweight Master“. I guess that’s fair, considering we have 200,000 fans on my bodyweight workout Facebook page. It was my friend Andrea Benson that gave me that nickname on Friday night in Las Vegas. Here we are, along with her husband Jon, and my fitness friends.


From left: Jon, Andrea, Rick Kaselj, Bedros Keuilian, Shawna Kaminski, Mikey Whitfield, Me (awkwardly putting my hand on Jay for some reason?), and Jason Ferruggia

While I ate my pork chop (an unappreciated steakhouse meal) at Brand restaurant in the Monte Carlo, I outlined the following circuit workout for Andrea (who has a great bikini butt <= yes I just said that, sorry Jon!). There’s an advanced dumbbell version below, too.

The Bodyweight Booty 15-Minute Workout
1) Lying 1-Leg Hip Extension – 30 seconds per side
2) Split Squat with Back Foot Elevated (or Split Squat) – 30 seconds/side
3) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds
4) Plank with Glute Squeeze – 60 seconds (glutes are your bum muscles)
5) Walking Prisoner Lunge – 60 seconds
6) Close-Grip Pushup – 30 seconds

– Do not rest between exercises.
– Do not rest at the end of the circuit.
– Repeat the circuit 2 more times for a total of 15 minutes.

That’s a great intermediate workout. If you want to build a little better booty, here’s an advanced version of that workout that uses dumbbells, pushes you a little harder, and takes 20 minutes.

The Dumbbell-Bodyweight Booty 21-Minute Workout
1) Lying 1-Leg Hip Extension – 45 seconds per side
2) Dumbbell Split Squat – 45 seconds/side
3) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds
4) Plank with Glute Squeeze – 60 seconds (glutes are your bum muscles)
5) Dumbbell Walking Lunge – 60 seconds
6) Close-Grip Pushup – 30 seconds
7) DB Row – 30 seconds per side

– Do not rest between exercises.
– Do not rest at the end of the circuit.
– Repeat the circuit 2 more times for a total of 21 minutes.

Andrea was impressed, and that’s a big deal because Andrea was just on TV helping hundreds of thousands of women get a better butt.
You can watch Andrea’s TV appearance here and learn her secrets

Her Transformation story is very powerful. You will love her video.

Enjoy those workouts,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – I was stuck in Vegas for…
…an extra day due to a flight cancellation, but I didn’t skip my workouts despite all of the temptations around me.

Here’s how you can stay committed this week, too:

Make sure to remove as many temptations as you can from your life, and to plan 2 solutions for every obstacle this week. We all have BIG goals and dreams that we must achieve!

“Your life will not be measured by all of the things you started, but by the few of those you finished.” – Martin Rooney

It’s your life. You can’t give up control or progress towards your goals because of peer pressure. Stay strong. Get stronger. Own your days.
But you must not harbor any bitterness or resentment against those that try to hold you back. They know not what they do. Stay strong. Push on.