Why You Can’t Gain 10 Pounds in a Weekend

I always marvel at the reports I get from men and women who claim to have gained 10 pounds over a weekend. In truth, that’s impossible.

Take a look at this study: Researchers from Virginia State University gave men an extra 1,000 calories per day for eight weeks. By the end of the study, the men had gained an extra 11 pounds. That’s 11 pounds after eight weeks of indulging in far too much good food – not after a weekend of visiting the Outback Steakhouse and eating a “Blooming Onion.”

After a weekend of “pigging out” on junk food, what most people see is just an increase in fluid retention due to its high-sodium and high-carbohydrate content. There may be some fat. But certainly not 10 pounds of it!

So the next time you get off track with your weekend eating and are shocked to discover that you’ve gained 10 pounds, just take a deep breath and realize that this is not an accurate measurement of the real damage.

Focus on getting back in charge of your nutrition. Stick to whole, natural foods and cut out the high-sodium, high-carbohydrate processed snacks. At the same time, add fruits, vegetables, nuts, and protein to your meals during the week. And add three total-body resistance-training workouts and three interval cardio workouts to help burn fat.

You’ll return to your normal weight in a few days.

[Ed. Note: Fitness expert Craig Ballantyne is the creator of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss system.]

Craig Ballantyne

If you want to double your income, work less, and become the ambitious millionaire you've always wanted to be... Craig Ballantyne is the coach who will help you do it. With more than 20-years of experience as an entrepreneur and five 7-figure businesses under his belt, he specializes in helping "struckling" entrepreneurs get out of the mud and build the business of their dreams. To see if you qualify for Craig's "Millionaire Coaching Program" send an email to support@earlytorise.com with the subject line "Millionaire".