Your ETR Insider

Wow! How weird it feels to sit at my desk again — something I haven’t done since our Info-Marketing Bootcamp began on Sunday.

I didn’t want the conference to end. The energy in the grand ballroom at the Delray Beach Marriott was simply electric.

Part of that came from the great presentations:

  • For the first time ever, Michael Masterson shared the private details behind his Special Theory of Wealth: how a recurring childhood dream inspired him to create streams of automatic wealth and build multiple $100 million businesses.
  • Perry Marshall showed us how to tell a good pay-per-click advertising market from a bad one, and revealed the top reason why most people aren’t successful with Google AdWords (and what to do about it).
  • Andrew Lock explained how an immigrant with 2 suitcases to his name started his own WebTV show that’s now the most popular marketing WebTV show on iTunes– and gave us a step-by-step plan for doing the same thing ourselves.
  • Joshua Boswell introduced us to the best place on the Internet to research product ideas, and gave away his personal file of trusted copywriting and graphic design contacts — down to their cell phone numbers!
  • Rich Schefren described how two strategic factors transformed him from an overwhelmed would-be Internet entrepreneur to a 7.3 million dollar marketing superstar.
  • And Tom McCarthy used an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness to get us past the self-doubts preventing us from getting our businesses off the ground.

I was truly inspired. And I wasn’t the only one. When I turned on my computer this morning, I was touched to read this note from John Marsh:

Laura (and ETR Family)

I just had to tell you what a LIFE CHANGING experience it has been to attend ETR Bootcamp for the second year in a row. I am amazed at the value and encouragement you, the ETR family, and the event speakers bring to the life of anyone who will step out of their “comfort zone,” spend a seemingly large amount of money to fly to Delray Beach and allow you to invest in their lives.

I thought I knew what to expect from Bootcamp this year because I had attended last year — but I WAS WRONG

I came to find out it was not just that I was a “NEWBIE” to this industry, it was because you and the ETR family are committed to giving each customer MORE THAN THEY COULD HAVE DREAMED of to equip them for SUCCESS… This year’s conference BLEW MY SOCKS OFF again.

Thank you for being amazing people with the willingness to share those gifts with others… There is NO substitute for meeting the GURUs and spending time with others who are experts in the industry face to face. It makes a difference to meet those who have gone where we desire to go, and hear the real-life stories of their SETBACKS and SUCCESS.

The Bootcamp experience has shown me each time that LIFE is more caught than taught…

I will be there to be CHANGED again next year, and WILL have my own business growing… (with your help, of course).


John Marsh

Find out for yourself what all the excitement is about — and participate in Bootcamp from the comfort of your own home!

| A “Pay It Forward Tip” |

Tandelyn Weaver, for instance, the creator of, had an “Aha!” moment on how to correctly identify Google AdWords for her business. She got it after talking with Pete Genot — an ETR alum and the guru behind — and she asked me to share it with you:One of the great things about this conference is that the learning didn’t stop in our lecture hall. Everyone was committed to building their business relationships — between sessions, at our nightly cocktail parties, and at our VIP dinner. In fact, many people left the conference with a network of 200 friends they didn’t have before they came. These friends can not only help each other build their online lists, they’ll have a great proving ground to test/refine their ideas and make sure they do it all in good time!

The Right Way to Identify Google AdWords

1. Look up keywords in Google Keyword Tool. Any keyword that has over 2500 searches is a good one to use.

EX: Female owned Business Global Searches: 22,200 Local Searches 18,000

2. Go to the Google browser, search for the keyword –put quotation marks around the word. Look for search results of less than 250,000. However, if you have search results of less than 50,000 that is fantastic!

EX: “Female Owned Business” Search results 10,900

3. Take this keyword and do the following:

a. Write a post on your blog b. Write an article and submit it to or c. Create a short video and send to d. Write a press release and submit to (You could use but it is a paid site)

Note: teaches you “how to write a press release.”

4. Be sure include the link to your site in your articles and videos. 5. COMMIT TO DO THIS EACH WEEK.

5. Go through Steps 1-4 with a new keyword each week.

“According to Pete,” says Tandelyn, “I should begin to see some positive results if I do this for 6 months. He told me to e-mail him then to share my results! I suggest you, too, let him know if this strategy works for you!”

Thanks Pete! And good luck Tandelyn.

| Build A Site, Meet Major Media |

 John’s passion is the environment. “I’m green, but I’m pale green, a term I picked up from T. Boone Pickens,” he told me, “I care about ecological issues, but try to illustrate them in a mellow, entertaining way.”Bootcamp was just like a family reunion! I love how people return again and again to our events. I was especially happy to see John Daniel Roberts, an IT professional, photographer, illustrator and published author I met 4 months ago at our 5 Days in July conference.

Now, he’s been busy working on his website, called The Woodchips feature cartoon trees, “having fun, saving our planet one chuckle at a time.” John publishes a weekly cartoon, along with three or four blog posts throughout the week. “My illustrations show all the funny things in life we have to deal with,” he explained.

John has created a whole cast of cartoon tree characters: Elmer, Woody, Maple, and June Nipper (get it?), who appear in his blog and have lives just like ours.

At our 5 Days Conference, we convinced John to move his existing Wood Chips website over to WordPress.

“I figured I should listen, since Agora (which owns half of ETR) was responsible for some pretty good marketing efforts.”

“And I’m glad I did. WordPress has allowed me room for future expansion. And applying ETR’s marketing advice has increased traffic to my site every month. Last month alone, traffic was higher than all of my prior sites since 2007.”

Just last week, John’s website cartoon made the front page of The Huffington Post! The cartoon, called Lady of Leisure, sympathetically shows a Woodchip gal trying to keep all of the plates of her life in the air. Responding to a customer request, he had added fun note cards featuring the cartoon to his online store. This triggered interest in his website and landed him on the Huffington Post front page.

“I had three questions as I came to Bootcamp.” John told me. “1.) How to increase signups? I was getting good traffic (about 21,000 hits a month) but low sign-ups for my newsletter 2.) How to further define my target market? And 3.) I sensed there were two internet marketing models, the newsletter model and the website clicks model – I wanted to get more clarity on that and decide if my current website model was right for me.

“I made progress on all three questions, so to me the conference was a success,” John said.

“I got a great deal out of the event, including taking over 60 pages of notes – I had to drink a beer left-handed yesterday because my writing hand was in intensive care – but hey – we adapt!”

Our hats off to you, John! Looking forward to your next post.

| ‘Til We Meet Again |

One more thing before I sign off this week… (and this one is bittersweet).

Five years ago, I had a regular job in a suburban office park outside of Washington, DC. I did the same things and ate the same lunch (a peanut butter and jelly sandwich) every day.

I was bored. But more than that, I was disappointed — with myself — for being a college grad with an MA degree whose very best writing came under someone else’s byline.

So I spent my spare time working on my travel blog.

But it was through a Google search on “technical analysis” I came across the Investment U website. That was my introduction to Agora Inc. I was impressed from the start.

Agora Inc. is a place where you go to exchange news and ideas, just like people did in the agoras in ancient Greece (hence the name). New ideas are encouraged here. Better yet, implemented.

I had the good fortune to work at Agora’s Oxford Club in Baltimore before moving to Florida last year with Early to Rise.
But now, my tenure is history as well. I have a new opportunity at Agora — to be Marketing Director for International Living. It’s an invitation I couldn’t refuse.The rest, as they say, is history.

I’ll be splitting my time between Baltimore and Waterford, Ireland. And as a part-time travel writer and full-time nomad, I relish the idea of traveling ’round the world to help people create businesses and retire overseas.

But it’s with a heavy heart that I say goodbye. I’ve learned so much from Michael Masterson and the entire ETR staff. This has truly been the best year of my life.

Most of all, I want to thank you… for opening your hearts and your e-mail inboxes to me every Friday. It’s been a true pleasure meeting you. You inspire me. And I look forward to staying in touch for many more years thru Agora.

Stay in touch!

Laura Sig

Laura Rodini
COO, Early to Rise