Get Out of Your Comfort Zone for Success
At the TT Summit I shared my Kekich Credo notes with all TT Trainers. It was a document I have been building up for over 4 years, with each credo being followed by my personal thoughts on how it relates to fat loss and business.
The first credo may be the most important. It starts, “People will do almost anything to stay in their comfort zones. If you want to accomplish anything, get out of your comfort zone.”
Unless we get out of our comfort zone, the reality is that we won’t make breakthroughs in our lives, our businesses, or our health.
You simply can’t coast through life if you want to get better.
However, getting out of the old comfort zone is something everyone deals with and struggles to overcome.
When you have bad days, you’ll be tempted to return to your comfort zone habits, but it’s also the time when you need to fight against that the most.
But we have to fight it. Every day we MUST fight it. You’re fighting the good fight. And you’re going to win. We won’t quit. We never will.
Because the day we quit is the day we start living a life of regret.
That regret will be far more painful than any daily struggle we face while we work towards a better life. Whatever your goal, you must continue to learn and grow and have the discipline to do the things you don’t always necessarily want to do.
For my goal of helping one million men and women transform their lives, I need to build a team – including Certified TT Trainers and that can’t happen if I’m not willing to change & get out of my comfort zone. You can do it. You can break free from your comfort zone.
If you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you, you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
It may not be easy, but you can and will do it. I’ll be right here with you every step of the way.
Stay strong and never give in,