How to Write Amazing Articles
my friend Beth said to me at dinner the other week.We were sitting in a Tapas bar in downtown Asheville, where
we were spending a few days at Joel Marion’s annual affiliate
vacation/retreat/mastermind event.
The food was delicious, but what I’ll remember most about
the night is what Beth said next…
“The article about your Rules changed my life. It made me
realize that I needed to change my mindset in one important
area of my life. And creating my own rules, using your system,
has really helped me become a better person.”
Wow. I didn’t expect that.
But that’s the power of a focused message. My article on
“The Rules I Live By” might be the most important message
I’ve ever written…and may ever write.
And it achieves its impact through something that my mentor
Michael Masterson calls, “The Power of One“.
In the last few months I’ve had many conversations with other
information marketers and I always seem to be coming back to
“The Power of One” whether we are talking about writing email
promotions, doing launches, or creating products.
The Power of One states that your message will have greater
impact when it focuses on just ONE big idea.
In the past, prior to acquiring, most of my
emails often included “5 tips” or “7 secrets” about a topic.
But when you give a list of tips, you barely scratch the
surface on teaching your readers the essence of each point.
It promotes a superficial understanding, and the reader does
not have enough information to make a big change.
This shotgun approach is mediocre at best.
But when you dig deep and go all-in discussing just one
lesson in an essay or video, that’s where your teaching
powers will shine.
So if you’re looking to make a big impact with your articles,
videos, sales messages, and even your on-stage presentations,
remember the Power of One.
Here’s the exact system I use for creating my daily ETR
essays using the Power of One. My articles…
*Should be 1,000-1,200 words
*Should have a Tipping Point idea
*Should focus on ONE big idea
*Should include an illustrative and moving story
*Should have specific proof that the idea is beneficial
*Should have an actionable takeaway
*Should naturally lead in to a “plug” for the product at the end
Use similar guidelines in creating your content, and I
guarantee you’ll have a greater, deeper, more meaningful
impact on the way your readers, viewers, and clients
respond to your messages.
Go deep,
are going to show up and want to connect with you. What we
need more of are people with the guts and emotional labour
to do this. The greatest shortage in today’s society is an
instinct to produce.” – Seth Godin