Where Do You Get Search Satisfaction?

If you aren’t already targeting Google with your search engine marketing efforts, now’s the time to start. That’s because Google has proven itself when it comes to giving people what they want. Recent surveys conducted by the University of Michigan and ForeSee report that not only is Google number one in American consumer satisfaction, it’s surging in growth.

Google scored an 86 on the consumer satisfaction index and was the only one among the “big 3″ (Google, Yahoo, and MSN) to experience an increase in customer satisfaction over last year.

This is great information for search marketers. Satisfied searchers trust the results from the search engine they are using. Meaning, they are likely to return to that search engine again and again, and are more apt to purchase from the sites they find in its results.

I know I want to run my ad campaigns where satisfied searchers are. And you want your own pay-per-click ads and organic results to show up in search engines that people trust.

For now, that means sticking with Google.

A good way to get started is with a Google AdWords campaign.

[Ed. Note: So… did the University of Michigan and ForeSee surveys get it right? Which search engine gives you the most satisfying search results? Let us know in our comments section here.]

After graduating from Florida State University in 1997, Alexis got started in the golden age of the Internet marketing industry working agency-side where she performed everything from search engine optimization (SEO) to web analytics to media buying for several clients. She then took her expertise client-side managing SEO and pay-per-click (PPC) efforts, as well as other print and interactive marketing initiatives for companies in the financial and software industries.