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Get Up Early Tomorrow

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/16/2001

My son, LSF, has many extraordinary talents and all the peccadilloes you’d expect from a 20-year-old going to school in New Orleans. Every time I see him, as I did this holiday, I’m impressed by his intelligence and good nature. He is more and has more than I was and…


Promise #7 For The New Year: To Get Richer This Year

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/9/2001

SAVING/INVESTMENT HABIT THAT WILL MAKE YOU WEALTHY IN 10-20 YEARS Boy, are you good! It’’s Tuesday and you have been with the ETR New Year’’s resolution program for seven days, including today. You are now in the top 20%! (And I bet I don’’t even have to remind you to…


Promise #6 For The New Year: To Start Your Own Business

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/8/2001

Welcome to the second Monday of the New Year! Did you read through your New Year’s resolutions this morning? If not, do it now. You’ve been practicing your new, better life for a full week. You’ve been eating better, exercising more, getting to work earlier, and doing everything a little…


Promise #5 For The New Year: To Get Off Your Ass!

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/5/2001

If you didn’t reread your list of New Year’s resolutions last night and this morning, do it now. Yesterday, you promised yourself that you would develop a skill that had the potential to make you big money. Today, you are going to promise yourself to make it happen. Here’s what…


Developing A Financially Valuable Skill

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/4/2001

Well, here you are, still plugging away –and it’s already day four. You are now in the top 30%. Good work! Did you reread your list of New Year’s resolutions last night and this morning? If not, do it now. Today, you are going to promise yourself that this year…


Accomplish Something from Your New Year’s Resolutions List

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/3/2001

If you forgot to reread your list of New Year’’s resolutions this morning, do it right now. If you already have, you can feel good about yourself. By day three, another 10% of the population have abandoned their promises. By sticking with the ETR New Year’’s resolution program, you are…


Don’t Worry About The Problems

By Early to Rise | 12/21/2000

““The births of all things are weak and tender, and therefore we should have our eyes intent on beginnings.”” – Montaigne, Michel de I ran across a memo on the ETR Message Board ( the other day that reminded me of something very important – one of the great secrets…


A Revisionist’s Look At The Stages Of Wealth

By Early To Rise | 12/20/2000

“I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.”” – Jackie Mason In Message #193, I said the following: * If you have a family income of less than $50,000, you are poor in America. * If you earn between $50,000 and $150,000,…


International Business For Fun and Profit

By Mark Morgan Ford | 12/18/2000

““If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.””  Henry David Thoreau You develop your business in the good old USA. Everything is going well. You are profitable and the business is growing.…


PR Checklist

By Early To Rise | 12/14/2000

There is nothing that will help you get yourself, your company, or your products recognized better or faster than getting the news media to see you/them as news. Every day, small businesses are propelled into the local or even national spotlight thanks to the interest of some journalist or radio…


What If You Can’t Afford To Retire?

By Early To Rise | 12/13/2000

If you’re bridging the age when retirement is the next step, but feel you can’t afford to retire, use this mindset to approach what to invest your time in.


Secrets Of A Self-Made Biotechnology Multimillionaire

By Mark Morgan Ford | 12/11/2000

““A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”” – Saint-Exupery A great way to get inspired is to read about the success of an ordinary person who takes a good idea (of which there…