How To Send Email and Make Money

“It’s a beautiful thing,” I told my friend Jason Ferruggia last week as we trained at the Colorado Athletic Club in Denver.

“We are so lucky that we get to send emails and write blog  posts and make our living this way.”

“You’re right, LaRue,” Jay replied, “We are very lucky.”

And I want YOU to be this lucky too.

Today, a guest article from my business partner, Bedros Keuilian talks about an important step in the process of the “send email and make money” formula.

By the way, Bedros and I are hosting another 1-day intensive Mastermind Meeting. This one is Wednesday, January 9th in marvelous Miami, Florida.

If you want to attend, please email Frankie at:

The investment in Masterminding with Bedros and I is $1997 for the day. This is for serious success students only – the type of person that wants to build a 6-figure info business in 2013.

So let me know if you’re serious…and that you’re in.

Now over to Bedros…

How to Send Email and Make Money
By Bedros Keuilian

About eight years ago I was listening to a Robert Allan audio book and in it he said that “everyone has at least on book within them that they must write.”

He was right.

To be more specific, I believe that anyone who has a specialized skill set (such as helping people change their lives, make more money, lose fat, get sexy, improve their relationships, etc.) has at least one six-figure online info product within them.

Take Mike Whitfield from my fitness info mastermind group…

I met Mike a couple years ago at the TT Summit. He came to a one day mastermind that my friend and business partner Craig Ballantyne and I were holding.

At the meeting Mike had no info product and no idea on how to sell anything online.

He did however have a big idea – Workout Finishers(TM) – and he  had proved that finishers worked since it helped him lose over 105 pounds and keep it off for years.

That product alone now brings in six figures and helps 1,000’s of people worldwide burn fat and get into amazing shape.

Then there’s Rick Kaselj, I first met Rick in 2010 at the Fitness Info Summit I held in Orlando. Within a few months Rick joined our Fitness Info Mastermind program, too.

Just like Mike, Rick had never made a sale online, no product, and no idea how to build a list or market his info product.

Now he’s making a cool six figures selling exercises for injuries programs. And just like Mike, Rick is helping out thousands of folks worldwide.

And back in October, Rick and and business partner Mike Westerdal launched a new program that brought in $225,000 in just 5 days.

I predict more six figure launches coming up for Rick in 2013.

But Rick and Mike are not the exceptions to the rule…

Here are some other stories from folks within our mastermind group who have taken their knowledge and specialized skill set and shared it with the world on the internet.

Last year Josh Carter launched Facebook Funnel and brought in over $30,000 in under a week. Hundreds of fitness trainers today get more clients becuase of it.

Last month Shawna Kaminski brought in over $10,000 just from ONE of her info programs where she teaches folks how to do pull-ups and a variety of different challenge workouts.

Dr. Peter Osborne (the passionate Gluten-Free Warrior) has created a 7 figure business helping and teach people on how to go gluten free.

A few months ago Travis Stoetzel had his first $10,000 month with his “Train Aggressive” hardcore training programs which he sells online.

In May, the energetic Brian Kalakay came to one of our one day mastermind meetings in San Diego. By late July he had created and launched Boot Camp Games and generated over $17,000 in his first month online.

Michael Parrella and Nitin Chhoda have both created 7 figure businesses (offering live events, coaching programs and info products) modeling my business in their own respective niche markets to help people make more money.

And we’ve also helped Mark Costes, a dentist, make hundreds of thousands of dollars selling specialized information to other dentists…so that Mark can now spend less time in the chair  “getting covered in blood and pus” as all dentists do.

Here’s the beautiful thing about the internet…

If you have a specialized skill, a solution to a problem, and value to add then you can take your business online and help tons of people out and make good money in the proccess.

Here’s the foundational success secret in the “Send email, make money” formula:

Big Idea => Deliver Value => Market => Profit => Repeat

That’s the formula for taking your expertise and sharing with the world.

Now, if you’d like Craig “The Godfather” Ballantyne and I to show you how to take your idea and specialized knowledge and make it into an online info program that helps thousands and generates an additional income stream for you then you’ll want to keep reading…

On Wednesday, January 9th, we’ll be hosting a private eight person info marketing mastermind in Miami, Florida.

You’re invited to attend.

This will be the last and final mastermind that we host for the year, so if you have an idea for an online ebook, video training, membership site, diet program, or training DVDs then you’ll definitely want to be in Miami on Wednesday, January 9th.

If you’d like to be one of the 8 people to sit in on this in-depth mastermind and coaching day then reach out to my assistant Frankie at

Once you email Frankie he’ll set up a time for you and I to do a strategy call next week where we’ll discuss your info product idea…

…and then I’ll let you know if Craig and I can help you take your idea
to market.

The strategy call is totally free and it’s a great way for you to found out if you have a good info product idea and how to fast track it to success.

If after talking on the phone we decide that you have a great idea for an online info program then I’ll let you know how you can get in on the one day private mastermind and coaching that takes place on Wednesday, January 9th in Miami.

But for now, just email Frankie at and he’ll set you and I up for a strategy call for early next week.

The call and mastermind are first come, first serve so act fast if
you want in.

Committed to your success,

Bedros Keuilian

Thanks B, inspirational and powerful stories there.

Looking forward to sharing your story and expertise with the
world in 2013.

To your BEST year ever,

Craig Ballantyne

“The mistakes of your past are not who you are now. No matter what you’ve done in your life you have a second chance that starts today. It is your time to choose who you will be and who you will become, for the rest of your life. You are certainly not too old to
add value to the world, to give, create or inspire. If you need to, let the past go and start fresh, right here, right now.” – Craig “The Godfather” Ballantyne