Quick Workout Won’t Disappoint

Alright, are you ready for round #2 of the AWESOME bodyweight bootcamp workouts I was teaching in Europe last week?
I hope so… because this one was interesting.
As I was going through the workout with the students, I thought:
Because the final “Ladder” superset seemed like a good idea at the time when designing the workout…
…but WOW was it ever hard.
WARNING: It’s for advanced fitness levels only.
The BlackSmith Camp Bodyweight Burpee-Jack Ladder
- Do not rest between exercises in the supersets (exercise pairs)
- Rest 30 seconds at the end of each superset
- Repeat each superset for three rounds
- In the 3rd superset, you’ll do a 3-set “Ladder” … meaning in set 1 you’ll do 10 jumping jacks and 2 burpees. In set 2, you’ll do 8 jumping jacks and 4 burpees, and in set 3 you’ll do 6 jumping jacks and 6 burpees.
1A) Prisoner Squat
1B) Spiderman Climb
2A) Sphinx Pushup
2B) Prisoner Lunge
3A) Jumping Jack 10-8-6
3B) Burpee 2-4-6
Want another burpee challenge? Try this burpee challenge video…
WARNING: It’s for advanced fitness levels only.
If you are a beginner, replace burpees with Total Body Extensions or Bodyweight Squats … or even lying hip extensions.
Click here for the burpee challenge
4-Minute Lower Body Burpee Gauntlet Challenge Workout instructions
- 20/10 style (20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest)
- 8 rounds total
- 4 exercises, 2 rounds per exercise
- Count the number of burpees you complete at the start and at the end
- 10 second hold for the punisher squats instead of 10 second rest
- Go through this circuit once
1. Burpees
2. Punisher Squats
3. Swing Lunges
4. Burpees
*Remember – Go through 2 rounds for each exercise using the 20/10 tempo
Do not forget – If you are a beginner, don’t do advanced workouts.
Be conservative.
Take it easy.
Build up.
If you are a beginner, replace burpees with Total Body Extensions or Bodyweight Squats … or even lying hip extensions.
Alright, great stuff.
Proud of you.
Let me know what you think by dropping me a Facebook message here!
Have an amazing weekend,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Always…
“Always make your future bigger than your past… Always make your contribution bigger than your reward… Always make your performance greater than your applause… Always make your gratitude greater than your success… Always make you cooperation greater than your status… Always make your purpose greater than your money.” – Dan Sullivan
PPS – Need a diet to go with your fat loss workouts?
Get this healthy fat-burning meal plan from Missi Holt.