New $100K Product Launch
Want to know how a sweet schoolteacher from Canadia went on to have a $100K info product launch?
Here’s Mikey “Product Launch = Pancake Lunch” Whitfield back with 4 big lessons from Shawna Kaminski’s recent success. – Craig
Product Launch A-Ha Moments
By Mike Whitfield
The A-ha moment extravaganza continues. Recently, my friend Shawna Kaminski had her first huge launch with Challenge Fat Loss. Again, I was competing with the big dogs with the affiliate contest so I had to bring my A-Game. That meant creating a new bonus over the weekend before the launch. I ended up being her 4th best affiliate (I love the competitions!).
Now with every launch, I really enjoy seeing what works and what doesn’t work. That means every launch gives you invaluable data that will help with future launches and your own promotions.
This one was no different:
Lesson # 1 on Day 1 – Sell the Click
My sales on day were awesome, but it really picked up within an hour of sending my second broadcast. With the second email, I really hit the fact they would miss out on the Fast Action bonus if they waited until the next day.
I also emphasized that you would get faster and better results by combining Shawna’s workouts along with her nutrition program (fast action bonus).
The first email that day focused on why the program is different. The second email emphasized the fast action bonus. I kept it relatively short getting them to click over and that worked really well as sales in the afternoon picked up quickly.
Lesson # 2 – Focus on What’s Different About the Program You’re Selling
Had I told my readers, “here are some cool 20-minute workouts. Work Hard. Eat Pancakes.”, I wouldn’t have done so well. Your readers can get a 20-minute workout from Google.
With Shawna’s program, I knew talking about how she is 50 and is in incredible shape would inspire my readers plus the involvement of using challenges with every workout is certainly different. After all, what 50-year old woman do you know that can bang out 20 pull-ups and has flat abs? I was happy to share that with my readers and customers.
Lesson # 3 – Let Your Readers Know About the Creators of the Programs You’re Selling
Prior to the launch, I would always mention Shawna’s name occasionally to let them know that I trust this expert and what they have to offer. I have no doubt this made an impact on the number of sales I had with her program. Aaaa-haaaaa.
Lesson # 4 – Create a Bonus that Ties in or Compliments the Product
By creating a new bonus, my readers got Shawna’s program along with more new stuff from me. It was a win/win. I created a bodyweight challenge program called, “Challenge Madness” that I know helped with sales. I know… that was a clever name… Aaaaaa-haaaa.
Now after a launch like this, I would really like to figure out what emails and broadcasts worked the best. In other words, a sale from day four may have been from my broadcast on day one. I’m looking at tracking future broadcasts so I can really focus on what my readers respond to.
Mikey, how do I do that?
Read this helpful blog post from Clickbank:
Scroll a little further than halfway down and you’ll see how to add tracking ids to your affiliate links when promoting products through clickbank.
Mike Whitfield
“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.” – Hunter S. Thompson