The Perfect Storm for Making More Money

I recently saw a quote by Abraham-Hicks that read:

“It’s as easy to create a castle as a button. It’s a just matter of whether you’re focused on a castle or a button.”

What that means to me is you can do anything once you put your mind to it and really focus on accomplishing that certain thing.

And that is what I did five years ago when I started my first business, Working Moms Only. I was laser focused on starting my own business. I had enough of working for someone else.

Now don’t get me wrong, and I have said it many times before, I feel very blessed that I had the opportunity to be president of Weiss Research and CEO of Agora’s Early to Rise.

But I had a certain fire inside me that was striving to do more, to live a dream, and to create my castle.

So last month we celebrated our five years in business.

It all started with Working Moms Only. But since then we have expanded into an international publishing company with multiple websites and products (that includes The CEO’s Edge). We also have a consulting franchise, a book-writingfranchise and a public-speaking franchise.

The Perfect Storm

And as I reflect on our financial success, and our personal freedom, and being able to live a life completely on my terms — it really comes down to three major things.

Number 1: Commitment — I know so many folks who say they want to start their own business. Yet they will find excuse after excuse not to. Some will say they don’t have the time. Well we all have the same 24 hours in a day. And frankly, when you start a business, you will have to give some things up — but the reward is so worth it.

When I was ready to start my business, I gave 10 weeks notice at my current job where I was CEO.

During those 10 weeks I worked very hard all day and came home and worked just as hard in the evening at my own business.

Keep in mind, five years ago my children were very young, 11, 9 and 4. Now I was very fortunate that my husband was just as committed and we were able to split up the household responsibilities.

During this time, I did not play tennis, I did not watch TV, I did not do “girls night out,” and I did not attend holiday parties even when friends tried really hard to get us there.

What I did do was work from a plan. I knew I had 10 weeks and I was committed to doing everything I had to in order to launch my business on January 6, 2010.

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Priorities Are Key

My priorities were set and I knew there were only four things I would focus on during that time.

They were:

  • My health — Yup, I still got up every morning at 4:30 a.m. and went to the gym. I knew it was important for me to keep my energy up and have some “me” time.

  • My family — I still had dinner with my family and helped the kids with their homework. My husband and I also explained that we were launching a new business and, for a few months, things would be a little different — but in the end it would be worth it.

  • My leadership — Even though I was leaving my current company, I worked hard to make sure everything was taken care of before I left, including finding my replacement CEO.

  • My new business — There was not a single night or weekend that I did not spend time on my new business. I was leaving an incredible position where I was making good money, but I knew that by starting my own business I would be able to have even a better life.

Number 2: Passion — There is nothing worse than seeing a sad kid. And usually when there is a sad kid, there is a sad mom. It was my passion, my purpose, my calling to start Working Moms Only. To start a company that would give all working moms the tools for a healthier, wealthier, and more blended life. And when working moms have that — they are happy. A working mom sets the tone of a household and when a working mom is happy, the rest of the family is happy, including the kids!

When your business is your passion, you look forward to building it. And five years later I have discovered that I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur. That has helped create many different facets to the business, such as The CEO’s Edge, hence expanding the universe of people we can help and increasing our revenues.

Number 3: Never Reinvent the Wheel — Did you know that there are 543,000 new businesses started each month, and that 8 out of 10 of them fail? That is 5,212,800 failed businesses a year!

But here’s the bigger question: do you know why they fail? According to Richard Branson, Mark Cuban, Forbes, they fail because they do not follow a proven business model.

Failure was not an option for me. That is why five years ago, I followed the exact business model I used at Weiss and Agora. Of course I have tested, changed, and perfected things along the way. But I started with a PROVEN business model.

Now I can proudly say not only do I use this business model, but so do so many of today’s savvy entrepreneurs.

If you are ready to make more money this year — take action on the three items above — it really is the perfect storm.

And if you are committed and you have a burning passion to start your own business, please check out the EXACT blueprint I used to start my business FIVE years ago.

Watch the presentation here. Or read about it here.

I honestly believe it is the best online business model in the world. And I know if you follow it you will find the success you have been looking for.