
Hey You!
Yes, you.
Listen, if you want to be the next YouTube-Instagram-Facebook superstar, STOP.
Just STOP right now and take a big step back.
You need to focus.
You’re not going to get 1 million followers overnight.
And if you try to master all of those social media channels at once, you’re going to find out the hard way that it’s impossible.
Then you’re going to burn out and quit on your big goals and dreams.
That’s harsh truth…
…and the rest of this article is only going to get worse.
Let me explain.
I’m known as The Godfather for many reasons.
It’s not just the high-level connections…
It’s not just the favors that people owe me…
And it’s not just because I’m old. 🙂
The biggest reason I’m known as The GF is because I’m one of the only coaches willing to ask you the HARD questions.
And boy oh boy, do I have a long list of hard questions for you today.
These might hurt a bit at first…
…but these questions are only going to make your life a lot easier in the future.
Trust me, I’ve learned a lot of hard lessons during my online journey to success, and I simply don’t want you to make the same mistakes I once made.
That’s the reason you have me as a coach.
And that’s the reason I’m asking these questions of you today.
To steer you away from trouble… so you can make money easier and faster.
To keep you from wasting time… so you don’t get frustrated or give up on your dreams.
And to show you that there is hope… once you focus on the right things and stop doing the crap that holds so many other people back.
So sit down, take a deep breath, and let’s have a difficult conversation.
Please don’t take these questions the wrong way…
I just want what is best for you and your business…
None of these questions are meant to offend you…
Nor do they imply that you won’t succeed…
But make no mistake about it, there are quite a few elephants in the room that we have to discuss.
Being introspective and vulnerable and answering these questions honestly, openly, clearly, and specifically will help me help you, and most importantly guide you to the best use of your time and energy.
Take out a pen and paper and write down your answers to the following…
1) Who are the most successful experts in your online marketing niche space?
2) What makes them special?
3) How can you compete against them?
4) Why would someone choose you over these other options?
5) What image/character do you need to portray to get your customers to know, like, and trust you?
6) What is the best business model for your online marketing niche space?
7) What is your Position of Strength and unique hook in your business that sets you apart from every other guru?
8) What problems do your ideal customers want solved?
9) What is unique about your solution that solves those problems quickly & easily?
10 Do you have the resources to compete properly in this marketplace right now?
11) Do you wake up in the morning dying to help people in your niche market?
12) Are you ALL-IN when it comes to your online business or are you just dabbling?
Alright, that’s enough for now.
If those helped you in any way, let me know.
Just drop me a line on Facebook here
Let’s use these questions to make big breakthroughs…
(And yes, even I need to have good answers for these questions, too.)
So set your ego aside and answer honestly and openly.
Get vulnerable,
Craig Ballantyne
PS – Seriously…
If those helped you in any way, let me know.