Unique Ab Exercise Videos

No one knows about this workout video…
…well, 303,000 people have watched it.
But that’s nothing compared to my videos that have been watched 2 million times.
Still, this ab exercise video shows you some unique moves that burn fat and get you back in shape fast.
And you don’t need fancy machines.
But that’s still not my favorite “hidden” abs workout video.
This is my top ab exercise circuit.
You’ll get 6 different ab exercises that work your core without crunches.
Not too many people know about these…
But I’m telling YOU because you’re one of my favorite people! 🙂
Well, what did you think? I’d love to know.
Drop me a line on our TT Facebook page here.
Talk soon,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – When I’m not doing ab workout videos…
…I’m hiking around Europe. Here are some picture highlights from my trip.
First, Scotland…

Epic Scottish Rainbow With Bedros Keuilian overlooking Edinburgh
Off to Switzerland now!
PPS – Take action today!
All the planning in the world is no good if you don’t follow through. Be a robotic action-taker. Eliminate your excuses about lack of time, distractions, ‘emergencies’, and take action on what really matters in your life. Write that book. Save that marriage. Raise healthy kids. Lose that weight. Reconnect with that special friend. The time is now.