New 40-Second Fat Burner (free follow-along video)

Hey, don’t get mad, but I’m playing hooky today (because I worked all weekend on a new secret project).
So today we’re calling in the one-and-only Missi Holt. She is so amazing. And not only is she giving you her 40-second fat burners, but she’s even made a follow-along video just to kick-start your week!
Coach “Lazy” Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Hi, Missi Holt here, and unlike Craig, I never, EVER run out of energy. Here’s your free Monday Morning Metabolic Booster.
The 40-Second Fat Burners
– Do each fat-burning exercise for 40 seconds
– Rest 15 seconds between exercises
– Rest for 60 seconds between circuits
– Do 1-3 circuits
1A) Cross-Body Mountain Climber
1B) Lateral Squats
1C) Jumping Jacks
1D) Plank
1E) Wide Squat with Overhead Press (or Burpee)
Need some help with technique or motivation? Watch the video here:
Awesome, thanks Missi!
Craig here again…
And if you LOVED Missi’s circuit then you’ll love the workouts in our next 30-Day Transformation Private Coaching Challenge!
Missi and I have been teaming up all year long for an epic series of 30-Day Transformation Challenges to help you have the BEST YEAR EVER.
We’ve created the best workouts, nutrition, and mindset coaching you NEED in order to break free from destructive cycles that damage your self-image, shatter your motivation, and ultimately destroy your health.
You’re going to get our customized help and support everyday. It’s exactly what you need to succeed in life.
And no matter what you choose to do, just remember this:
Please don’t be sitting here a year from now wondering why you’re not further ahead with your weight loss and health, no further ahead with giving your family the BEST you that you can be, and still suffering from bad nutrition choices.
Please don’t be struggling needlessly and when you’ve got a template to follow from Missi and me, and the Professional Accountability and Social Support you need – right at your fingertips.
Don’t look back in a year – or even a month – from now and think about “what could have been”. I don’t want you to be in the same place you are now – only a year older and still frustrated.
Now is the time to step into action. Get excited about the opportunity to finally achieve your big goals and dreams. All you need to do is follow through on one simple step:
Sign up here for the 30-Day Transformation Challenge.
But hurry, there are only a limited number of spots in this Private Coaching group so that we can give you the attention you need to achieve your goals. It’s time to take the next step toward your health and fitness goals before it’s too late.
It’s time to enjoy your BEST YEAR EVER!
Our Coaching programs do more than train your body… They teach you how to:
- Overcome chronic weight loss plateaus so you finally fit back into your favorite clothes and look exactly like you dreamed about every time you check the mirror
- Heal your relationship with food so you can enjoy social eating, family dinners, and every meal, every day… for the rest of your life
- Quiet the negative voices in your head and finally release your self-limitations to the curb so that you experience the big breakthroughs in your life that will bring you the love, energy, and happiness you deserve
- Help you TRULY believe in yourself so that you have the strength to overcome every obstacle that gets thrown in your way no matter how stressful life gets
- And stop letting you settle for less than you deserve.
I know you’re ready. Missi and I will be right there by your side.
Sign up now for the 30-Day Transformation Challenge.
Taking care of your future,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Love this…
“First thing to do every morning is read or listen to something positive. Your mind is like a garden. Whatever you plant, grows. Plant good stuff.” – Alwyn Cosgrove
And as part of your 30-Day Transformation, you’ll receive a Kickbutt Mindset Tip from me each morning. It will inspire you to have an amazing day, every day!