Mr. X Book
Dear ETR reader, I recently heard about an event, scheduled for this Tuesday, the 27th, that I believe can make a powerful and important difference in your life, your prosperity, and your financial independence. You’ve heard of Jay Abraham, he’s a contributor for ETR. He’s one of the most successful marketing consultants (and certainly the most expensive) I know of. He’s also one of the only business geniuses I would ever unhedgingly endorse.
Because I’ve seen firsthand the impact his dynamic strategies can have on a business. Jay normally charges individual clients $5,000 an hour with a 2 hour minimum and a 3 month waiting list. His $25,000 – 3 day seminars sell-out. People hurried to buy his latest book despite its $5,000 price tag. People willingly paid that head over heals price for a book knowing that it was going to repay them one hundred fold. He’s developed marketing campaigns for Anthony Robbins, Chicken Soup for The Soul, Nightingale Conant, and many other companies that he’s helped become household names and reap windfall profits.
Many ETR readers have personally written to express their gratitude for recommending Jay’s famous Mr. X book. It has boosted the income levels of those who acted decisively and implemented his pioneering strategies. The internet is quickly becoming the most profitable direct marketing medium, yet, Jay’s name is conspicuously absent from the list of internet marketing gurus. But little did I know in the past 12 months Jay has made well over 9 million dollars on the internet alone! I just found out about an event Jay is hosting next week where he’s revealing some of his highly effective internet strategies.
I am definitely looking forward to finding out how he brought in that amount of money. In fact, just like you I will be participating. But – what really makes this event so unique is that it’s the only opportunity I know of where you can literally hear Jay live for almost a penny on the dollar. For many people this will represent the only opportunity they will ever have to learn from this legend. Wait though, because it gets even better, he won’t charge you anything at all until after he teaches you everything, and then he only wants you to pay if you feel you profit.
To put it another way:
Jay will absolutely guarantee you a profit-certain result from his advice, or it won’t cost you a cent. And, you won’t even pay him until and unless you have seen clear evidence his strategies really can pay off for you. And if you do pay him, it’ll be very reasonable. Because I know Jay’s track record – I want to personally urge you to take immediate action on this. Jay is one of the few marketers out there who’s confident enough to make an offer like this, yet savvy enough to pull it off.
Will Bonner
Early To Rise