Master Key to Riches

“The human mind needs the destination to navigate and move toward, and the clearer the destination, the better the progress.” – Dan Kennedy

I have taught you how to create your vision. If you have not done so, go watch my video here:

It is essential that you know where you want to go in life. As I teach, you can’t set your path until you have your destination. Kennedy believes something even more powerful…that once you have your destination in your mind, then your mind will work – both consciously and subconsciously – to take you there. That’s why negative thinking brings “bad luck” to people, while folks hell-bent on success get luckier the harder they work.

Your money mindset matters. “Money is attracted to the individual operating free of guilt or shame,” says Kennedy, adding, “People with inferiority feelings about their information, expertise, or business activities are at a profound disadvantage. They subliminally communicate their guilt to others and unconsciously sabotage themselves.”

Do this and you will repel money. You must always have prosperity thinking.

Prosperity thinking combined with massive action, ruthless protection of your time, and a strategic plan for building assets and equity is needed if you want to get rich. At Kennedy’s Wealth Attraction seminar he outlined the following assets as being required for building great equity.

Do you have all of these in your business?

– Brand/Reputation/Celebrity/Authorit
– Protected & Proprietary Intellectual Property
– Protected/Complex Business Processes – “Make money in the dark” so no one copies
– List Relationship – Permitting High Long-term Customer Value
-Predictable Recurring Revenue
– Pain of Disconnect
– Crushing of Competition & Staying Clear of Commoditization
– Overall Sustainability

You are a leader. You are, quite frankly, STRONGER and SMARTER than 99% of the people that you know. You are a 1%’er. Harsh truth. But a fact. Never forget that.

Never forget you are different.

Never forget you are better.

Yes, I said that. You ARE better. And I make NO apologies for saying it.

Believe it. I do.

Know it in your heart…and use it for good.

This is not about EGO…

It’s about Becoming What You Need to Become to Achieve What You Want to Achieve.

With that knowledge in your heart, you have optimism and motivation. Now you need to put that to action. You know the power of Habits, but there is something even stronger.


Rules are stronger than rituals, routines, and habits. Rules are what truly allow you to change. If you don’t have Rules for Your Life (aka – strong personal philosophies and codes of conduct) you are destined to struggle. Checklists are also incredibly powerful.

If you are struggling anywhere in life – from health to wealth – create more RULES for your life and checklists to build better habits until these actions become automatic at attracting success.

More Structure = More Freedom.

When you have structure in your life you can focus on what matters. You will exceed by spending the most time in your high-value competencies, and through persistence, networking, and persuasion. You will need to be immune to criticism and have a high pain tolerance. Build these traits, set your deadlines, and be accountable. When you have RULES to guide you, then this is an unstoppable formula for success.

You CAN do it. I believe in you. You WILL do it. I know it.

“The biggest lie we tell ourselves is when we say, ‘I can’t do this. I can’t do that.’ Stop with that. Change your attitude. Then see where you can go from there. Take a tiny step into the waters of ‘Lake Cant’ and you’ll soon see that it’s not as cold, dark and deep as you thought it once was. In fact, you’ll find, that if you swim across Lake Can’t, you’ll find yourself on the beautiful shores of You Can island. And that’s where your treasure is buried. So c’mon in, the water’s fine.” – Craig Ballantyne

No more fear. No more self-doubt. No more disbelief.

Only true belief is allowed from here on in.

Get it. Earn it. Have it. Keep it.

And I will be impressed.

Stay strong and keep on pushing on,

Craig “The Godfather” Ballantyne

Craig Ballantyne’s 2015 Travel Calendar
Jan. 7th – 1-Day Info Mastermind with Bedros, South Beach Miami
Jan. 8-10th – Info Mastermind with Shaun Hadsall, & Joel Marion, Miami
Feb 1st – BioTrust SuperBowl Jammy Jam Party in Florida
Feb 19th – 1-Day Info Mastermind with Bedros, New York City
March 26-29th – Fitness Business Summit, Costa Mesa, California
May 7th – 1-Day Info Mastermind with Bedros, San Diego