Lower Belly Fat

Your fellow TT fans have been asking a ton of great questions over on our Turbulence Training Facebook page, and so today we have a special QnA update.
Q: “I have been doing your workouts and my I am getting toned. The lower belly is still an issue. What can I do to speed up the results or do I just have to have more patience? I had a C section 6 years ago and the scar tissue is really hard to tighten up.” – Michelle Levy
Great to hear about your results.
However, there is nothing you can do about scar tissue. You can’t change it. It’s scar tissue, not fat or muscle.
The key to getting rid of your lower belly fat is staying consistent with short burst workouts (NOT cardio).
It’s also really, really important to follow a healthy fat loss nutrition plan. I’ll have a few extra special tips in a newsletter later this week.
Stay strong with your diet habits, getting better every day, and removing the temptations that cause you to fall off track. Removing temptations is key!
Q: “Help, lower belly fat problem… it’s huge. I’ve been working for two years with no success… I do cardio-strength training and zumba. I’m doing something wrong… could it be my age? 55 yo… help.” – Mary Ramirez
Hi Mary! You must combine diet with total body metabolic resistance training for the perfect 1-2 punch for belly fat.
Grab these…
1) FREE meal plans: www.TurbulenceTraining.com/freemealplans
2) Get these home exercise sessions: www.HomeWorkoutRevolution.com
Zumba wont cut it. Pardon the pun.
If you want to slash your belly fat, you need more advanced – and SHORTER – exercise bursts.
Q: “What is something to eat for breakfast that will fill up and not cause belly bulge?” – Brenda
Start with 2 scrambled eggs and a side of sauteed spinach in olive oil. Have a green tea as well. If you want some fruit, have some pineapple or an apple.
That’s my favorite breakfast.
Q: “What can I do about post workout muscle soreness? Best way to recover? Continue exercising as normal or rest till soreness recedes?” – Tara M
Hi Tara!
Post workout soreness is like a hangover. Once you got it, the only resolution is time.
You can avoid it the same way you avoid a hangover…by doing less.
In your first week on a new exercise program, just do one set per exercise.
In week 2, do 2 sets. In week 3, do the full 3 sets.
Then you won’t have as much soreness – but you can always expect a little when you start a program… or when you rake leaves for the first time each season.
But…you do NOT need to be really sore in order to get results.
And if you are really sore, just do some light activity.
Finally, an extra day off won’t set you back. Take it if you need it.
Stay strong and have fun!
Q: “What’s the first thing you do when you wake up each morning?” – Allen Josh
I sneak out of bed, head downstairs, and pet ol’ Bally the Dog.
Then he goes back to bed and I make my Daily Energy greens drink – mixed with an extra gram of vitamin C.
My morning health cocktail keeps me free from winter colds and flus and gives me all day energy.
Then I send inspirational morning messages to my top coaching clients.
Next up, I write an article for Turbulence Training (like this one!) or www.EarlyToRise.com.
Then I meditate for 20 minutes. I’ve been doing this for 3 and a half years now.
Finally, I wake up lazy ol’ Bally the Dog and we head out for a morning walk before we return to have our breakfasts.
Alright, that’s it. Great session!
Let me know if you liked this QnA version of your TT update.
If you liked it, send in your questions on our TT Facebook page here and I’ll answer them in the future.
If you didn’t like it… blame Bally the Dog!
Always blame the dog,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Ask yourself this…
Figure out how much quality time you have left in your life.
How long do you have until your kids or grandkids get ‘too old’ or ‘too cool’ for you? It will happen.
Time disappears faster than ice cream at a birthday party, so focus on what matters and use your time wisely.
When you exercise, keep it short. No long cardio.
And when you’re working, work like the Dickens on valuable work, and when you’re done, end the day and get on your way.
Go home to what matters and concentrate on what counts