Last Diet Email EVER (I promise)

This could be the LAST diet email I ever send you.

All you have to do is follow the advice below and you’ll lose weight, have glowing skin, never suffer from low-energy again, and you’ll feel as healthy as you did 30 years ago.

That’s the power of REAL food.

“Food is as powerful as drugs,” said Paul Chek, a legendary fitness guru.

He’s right.

Sugary foods, like sugar-packed soda, juice, breakfast cereals, and junk food can cause diabetes.


Superfoods, like a delicious meal of salmon, sweet potatoes, spinach, and olive oil, can reverse diabetes (according to new research from Newcastle University in England).

So here’s your daily plan… and if you stick to this, you’ll be in the best health ever.

Advanced Nutrition Formula that Melts Away Stubborn Body Fat

[Eat more or less depending on your appetite, goals, metabolism, and size.]

Breakfast – Daily Energy drink + eggs + fruit (you can substitute 2oz of raw nuts for eggs)

Mid-Morning Snack (if needed) – Fruit, Green Tea, 1oz raw nuts, BioTrust protein shake

Lunch – Salmon, ½ sweet potato, spinach or broccoli drizzled with olive oil and garlic or tomato sauce

Afternoon Snack – Same as morning

Dinner – Steak or chicken or pork or fish, ½ baked potato with skin on, your favorite vegetables, olive oil

Dessert – Plain Greek yogurt with berries and cinnamon or with chocolate protein powder and 1oz raw nuts

It’s the food that counts. Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a dermatologist and author of the book Forever Young: The Science of Nutrigenomics for Glowing, Wrinkle-Free Skin and Radiant Health at Every Age, recommends you eat these 7 superfoods to fight aging.

  1. Salmon
  2. Extra-dark chocolate
  3. Cinnamon
  4. Coconut oil
  5. Garlic
  6. Blueberries
  7. Tea

When you follow this advanced nutrition formula that melts away stubborn body fat, you will NEVER be hungry.

But if you are ever tempted by junk, and it will happen to all of us over the holidays, remember this incredible mind-over-matter acronym. It’s called…

The HALT rule:

Stop what you are doing, move to a place where this state or emotion is not dominating you and THEN make a decision:

H: When you are hungry, your mind and metabolism do not work well.

A: When you are angry, your mind is reactive and clouded with irrational emotions.

L: When you are lonely, you are needy and vulnerable.

T: When you are tired, everything doesn’t work well – often coupled with hunger.

All of these variables can interconnect to create a danger zone for capable decision making and lead to overeating and making bad decisions.

It’s this type of system that allowed our latest TT Transformation Contest winners to effortlessly lose 20-30 pounds of fat in just 12 weeks – all while winning my money.

Click here to see who won $1000 of my money  **men and women over 40**


Our next contest begins on December 26th. Don’t miss it.

It’s free to enter and you will change your life.

Back tomorrow with another amazing workout.

Taking care of your body transformation,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS – Want to know how our Transformation Contest winners did it?

They transformed because they live by this motto:

Don’t wait for life to come along & kick you in the butt… make today GREAT. You control your thoughts, actions, and behaviors. Choose wisely. Never let “life” get in the way of progress on your #1 priority. Accept the sacrifices and just do it! Pay the price to earn the prize.

Click here to see who won $1000 of my money  **men and women under 40, too!**

  Greg  Bernie