Insane 6-Minute Fat Burning Workout

You are going to LOVE this amazing NO-equipment workout from my training partner, Missi Holt, Certified TT Trainer.
The other week in Denver, the morning after our Early To Rise Christmas party, Missi and I filmed brand NEW follow-along exercise videos for you. She put me through some of the best morning fat-burning workouts that kept my metabolism cranking all day long.
When you do these exercises, you’ll feel like your fat burning hormones are cranked to the max and your metabolic furnace is on fire all day long. It’s awesome.
You’ll get access to those brand new videos later this week to help you quickly and easily lose the holiday pounds. And you’ll be able to start first thing on New Year’s Day morning, and maybe even earlier, if you ask nicely. 😉
Missi is known as Denver’s #1 personal trainer because she has a unique system for helping people just like you.
Not only does she show you EXACTLY what to do in your workouts, AND give you the best meal plans and recipes for losing weight , but she also teaches you the mindset tips and tricks to become a Permanent Weight Loss Jedi.
Missi is the greatest, most positive coach I’ve ever met. And that’s why I’m teaming up with her to bring you a brand NEW and exclusive opportunity for the three of us to work together – privately – on your weight loss for 2016.
You’ve never seen anything like this before. Watch your email on Wednesday, December 30th, for all of the details on how you can join us in a private & small coaching group.
I love working with Missi. Here’s proof. These are are my “before and after” photos. It’s all fun and games until she gets me in a Punisher Squat, ha!

Love her energy! Cranking the fat burning
And she helped me put together today’s bodyweight workout for you. This type of training gives you the best morning workout, and this circuit is called:
The INSANE 6-Minute Morning Metabolism Cranker Workout
– Do each exercise for 45 seconds.
– Rest 15 seconds before moving to the next exercise.
1A) Total Body Extension
1B) Bodyweight Squat
1C) Jumping Jack
1D) Close-Grip Pushups or Kneeling Pushups
1E) Alternating Lunges
1F) Mountain Climbers
– If you’re advanced, you can do that circuit up to 3 times for a 20-minute workout.
– Take a full minute rest between circuits.
Your legs will be on fire (even after one round), and so will your metabolism.
Who needs fancy equipment for a fat torching workout? Not you!
Not when you have Missi and me on your side.
But more importantly, as I mentioned earlier, Missi also shows you how to love yourself and take care of your body with delicious, whole, natural foods that feed your soul and help you lose weight faster, too.
She’s helped thousands of men and women overcome years of defeated body image disorders, diet struggles, and ‘stinkin thinkin.’
The change in your self-confidence that you’ll get from working with Missi is priceless.
It doesn’t matter how fun and effective my workouts are, if you don’t have the right mindset in place, you just won’t change for good. That’s where Missi comes in.
She’ll help you…
- Overcome chronic weight loss plateaus so you finally fit back into your favorite clothes and look exactly like you dreamed about every time you check the mirror
- Fix your relationship with food so you can enjoy social eating, family dinners, and every meal, every day… for the rest of your life
- Quiet the negative voices in your head and finally kick your self-limitations to the curb so that you experience the big breakthroughs in your life that will bring you the love, energy, and happiness you deserve
- Help you TRULY believe in yourself so that you have the strength to overcome every obstacle that gets thrown in your way no matter how stressful life gets
- And stop letting you settle for less than you deserve.
What she can do for you is better than any workout video. And as our ‘gift’ to you, you get her care and compassion so that you finally achieve your body transformation in 2016. It’s going to be your BEST year ever.
Taking care of your big goals and dreams,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Make sure you know your big goals and dreams…
List your #1 priority in life. Now write down the first thing you do each day. Are these in alignment? What obstacles do you need to eliminate? What habits and rituals can you improve? Make the changes and align your actions.
If you need help, Missi and I are here for you. We’ll figure out exactly what you want and how to help you get it.
PPS – Here are just a few amazing client success stories from working with Missi…
“Understanding my hunger was new to me and it has made me much more aware. Thank you Missi!” – Deb Boehm
“Thank you Missi for all the encouragement and enthusiasm. Thank you for the tools and the unique perspective to mind and body change. It is a journey for me and I feel I have come a long way. This has really helped me focus on making changes and making good decisions. Choosing a different way is also satisfying and I feel more in control. I love my body now and my husband certainly thinks I’m sexy so I’ve gotta love that!!!” – Emma Kipps, 45, Wollongong, Australia
“I’ve finally broken this plateau that’s lasted for over a year. Using the Hunger Scale & changing my self-talk has made a huge difference.” – Leslie Townsend
“Missi came into my life at exactly the right time. The negative voice in my head is completely gone and I have not had ONE negative thought. It’s like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel free.” – Karen Check
So watch your email on Wednesday, December 30th and we’ll explain exactly how to get Missi and me as your private coaches for 2016