How To Prepare For The Big Day

The big day is coming up soon. Actually, it’s a BIG weekend. Two big days, two long nights, tons of networking, and ultimately the complete Blueprint to showing you how to make your first 1-1000 sales online.

Here’s what you need to do in advance of the 2-day Info Summit that you must be attending in November. (Remember – it runs Nov. 7-8th in Costa Mesa, California, and joining me on-stage will be Bedros Keuilian and Kevin Harrington from TV’s Shark Tank.) Full details & discount here

This is the same type of plan you need if you are ever part of a Mastermind group. When you show up prepared, you get a 100x return on your investment of time and money, and this level of planning leads to MASSIVE success in your life. So do this…

1) Be Organized

Make a list of everyone that you know will be there. Beside their name, write how you can help them and who you can connect them with. Be a Go-Giver and be organized to make the most of the weekend. Be ready and you’ll soon be making money with friends. <= Best thing about the Internetz.

2) Prepare Your ‘Pitch’

Be ready to quickly explain who you are, what your website is about, the product idea you have, and how it is DIFFERENT from everything out there.

Just in case you get one of the hot seats we’ll do on stage, be prepared to give Bedros and me the numbers we need to know in order help you out. The numbers include your email list size, the number of sales you’ve made, how much traffic you get, and your upsell conversion rate.

Know your obstacles that need solutions. Know where you are…where you want to be…and what you need to do to get there. The more you know, the more help you can get from our experts that will be in the room.

Don’t hold back. Don’t be unprepared. Come ready and you’ll leave ready to hit the fast track to success…

3) Attack the Weekend

Take advantage of all the info, resources, and connections that will be available to you over the weekend. Sleep when you get home.

You’ve planned, prepared, entered, and worked so hard for so long…that you MUST, you absolutely MUST get the most out of this weekend.

Be like our Mastermind Members, like Rick Kaselj, Mikey Whitfield, Shawna Kaminski, Mike Linares, Kate Vidulich, and all the others that step up, network, give, adds value, questions, and learns.

Plus, we’ll have plenty of big names in the audience and as our guest speakers, such as Kevin (mentioned above), Jason Ferruggia, NY Times best-selling author, and over 200 other amazing attendees.

It’s going to be awesome. Don’t miss it.

Be prepared. Be organized. Be supportive.

We are family, not just colleagues.

Let’s make this our best event ever.


BONUS: Be vulnerable.

Vulnerability is not just the TED conference buzzword of the day. It matters. It helps. It can change your life.

At our recent Mastermind meeting one of our members, James Gaida, decided to Man-Up and be vulnerable. He shared some struggles. Bedros gave him amazing advice. He followed it, and recently reported:

“Things are going great for me right now and I’ve smashed through many of my barriers. Bedros’ advice worked wonders for addressing procrastination. I’m ready to move my business to the next level.”

Make sure you spend some time with movers-and-shakers like James…their actions and success will rub off on you…you will be inspired to take action.

Follow those steps and you will have an amazing weekend.

That’s what winners do.
Reserve your spot at this special event here <= price increases Sunday

See you soon,
Craig Ballantyne

Identify your fears, your temptations, and your obstacles. Create solutions and new habits and Rules for your life that will help you overcome these hurdles. State your ONE big goal. Make it public. Get accountability. Identify two ways to overcome each of those obstacles.

Never give up on what is important to you – find a way to achieve it. I know you can!