Hey, Is This You In This Video?

Why is this lady following me, I wondered on the fourth straight morning.
Eventually I gave in to curiosity and decided to watch her.
She made me LOL, literally…right at the 14 second mark here
I want you to be in her shoes.
I want you to own your life the way she owns hers.
I want you to take the info that I will share with you and create the life of your dreams…so that you can say what she says in the video.
By the way, one of my dear friends, Diana, reminds me very much of the woman in that video.
Diana started her website last year – after much begging and pleading from me – and she now makes $10,000 per month or more.
Diana will tell you her entire story here.
(But she won’t tel you to Stick It. Ha!)
Enjoy that Saturday morning silly video,
Craig Ballantyne
PS – The price of the Online Info Workshop DOUBLES on Monday.
It goes up to $1,297…and even at that price it’s still a bargain. I’ve paid $10,000 or more just to attend weekend seminars with Yanik Silver, and my Return-on-Investment has always been 10-to-1 or more.
Investing in your future is worth it today. After all, what else are you going to do? Nothing? That won’t get you ahead in life.
So grab your spot and save $500 before Monday.
Get your ticket to the Online Info Blueprint Workshop here
See you soon!