Future of Personal Training

You have 2 options as a personal trainer, and very simple math will help you make the right choice.
It’s either…
A) Stay at home + Don’t learn = Career in a Rut
B) Learn from others + Associate with positive people + Add Value = 6-Figure Trainer.
So how do you “do” option B?
Well, it all starts with Turbulence Training. Listen to the feedback from Katie, Tim, and Lesa, all who attended our 1st Live TT Certification:
From Katie O’Dwyer, new trainer:
“Being around like-minded people who encouraged me and gave me great insight in starting my own business helped me get syched about my future with Turbulence Training and the fitness industry! And I learned how to make an educated, time efficient exercise program. As soon as I got home from the TT Certification, I offered a TT program and immediately got a new client.
“As a single, home schooling mother of 3, already with 1 small business, I am short on a lot of free time. Having access to Craig’s TT exercises has freed me up by having the ability to share them with my clients. And in my own fitness, I am continually being challenged by TT to try new things. And it’s FUN! I am learning lots through the monthly news letter!”
From Tim Allegretti, experienced trainer, in Chicago, IL:
“My favorite part of the weekend was the group workouts. It was a great way to see the programming in action. Since the TT Certification, my business has grown (even during the holidays). And I have a couple clients that have dropped a lot of weight using TT workouts (also during the holidays).
“The daily habits I learned at the TT Certification have had a big impact on my life. They help me get more done and remind me to be grateful of all that I have – and for the opportunity to do what I do. I also love the fact that the TT Certification instantly makes you part of a team.
“Master Certified Turbulence Trainer Brian Kalakay texted me the other day asking me how things were going. How cool! No other Certification does stuff like that.
“My business has more organization and has grown as a result of the TT weekend!
My wife and I just had our first child and as soon as she is back to work we are going to be launching our new fitness & nutrition business! Thanks for a great TT weekend!”
And from Lesa Gutenkunst, FBBC owner & bootcamp expert, in Pewaukee, WI
“The TT Certification was one of the best learning experiences I’ve had. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to meet the other CTT’s and to work closely with them.
“When you sign up for a weekend certification you never know what you’re getting into. The most beneficial part of the CTT weekend was focusing on learning the movements and understanding the exercise science and the nutrition component.
“One of the other most valuable pieces of business advice was on how to implement the Turbulence Training CORE Values into a successful Trainer business.
These are:
1) Change people’s lives.
2) Science Based Innovation
3) Customer Service, Customer Service, Customer Service
4) Always be Learning and Improving
5) Politically Incorrect, No B.S. Information
6) And to Never, ever, ever, EVER give up.
“I practice each one of these every day. I am committed to help make a positive difference in everyone one who comes into my gym through fitness and health.
Putting myself in my client’s shoes has helped create a positive relationship. I am building their confidence and gaining trust. I always explain”that we’re in this together“.
This has been a huge success in my business. I have received so many ‘friend of friends’ referrals because I make them feel successful with their workouts and find modifications when they are unable to do an exercise. Modifications are important and I thank the TT Certification for providing these.
“I have many other certifications but I would have to say that the TT Certification was by far the most fun, and applicable certification course I have taken. I am so excited to continue to apply the TT secrets to my own training and when training of all my clients. If anyone is on the fence about this certification I am telling you now, GO TAKE IT. Thanks again Craig!”
So that’s the future of the Personal Trainer Industry and your career.
You can get a piece of paper from an organization that doesn’t really care about you, OR you can join the Turbulence Training 10 Million Transformation and actually be a part of changing the world, fighting obesity, and TRULY making a difference in your community – all while living the dream life you deserve.
And so I finally, I have what you’ve been waiting for…
…it’s your only chance in 2014 to join me for a Live TT Certification course.
I know you’ve been holding out for this. So we’ve planned an amazing two days of action-packed training and cutting-edge fat loss program design. Plus, you’ll leave the weekend with a blueprint to get more clients…something that does NOT exist in any other fitness certification.
That’s just one of the ways the Turbulence Training Certification program is superior to everything else you’ve done before. The TT Certification is the ONLY fitness certification that delivers all of this:
- Monthly cutting-edge exercise science research and NEW workouts
- Done-For-You marketing to get NEW clients
- Proven systems for keeping those clients and getting NEW referrals
- The most advanced Fat Loss Program Design strategies for you to help clients
- 3 Transformation Contests per year for your clients to enter (and win my money!)
You’ll be a better, wiser, and wealthier trainer with the TT Certification. We’re not just sending you home with a piece of paper and few new exercises.
Instead, Turbulence Training helps you build your business – together with our team.
So if you want to join the 10 Million TT Transformation Mission and get TT Certified so that you can help us change the world, here’s what you need to know.
The next Live TT Certification course is Friday and Saturday, January 31st and February 1st in Tampa, Florida.
This is the perfect time of year to upgrade your Certification and skills. You’ll go home with the complete tool-kit to get more clients during the New Year’s Fitness Gold Rush and deliver them even faster, more amazing fat loss results.
Let’s change the industry. Let’s build your business. Let’s do this together.
Click here to claim your spot at the Live Certified TT Trainer Tampa event
See you in Tampa,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Training
PS – There are TONS of goodies…
…that you’ll get when you reserve your spot for our Live event.
This includes access to ALL of my workouts, plus a free ticket for life to the annual Turbulence Training Summit in San Diego (our next event is already booked for June 6-7, 2014 with Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove as our special guests).
Be a Leader.
Join the Elite.
Get Turbulence Training Certified.
Click here to claim your spot at the Live Certified TT Trainer Tampa event
Looking forward to you being a BIG part of the TT Family.