From Broke to $4k Online

This is what you’ve been asking for…
…because many readers have told me, “Craig, I want more REAL-world success stories of people just like me that started from scratch and are now making a 2nd paycheck online. Stop bragging about your business and your friends like Joel Marion. That doesn’t seem possible for me yet. I want results I can relate to…such as people making their first sale online. Thanks!”
Ok, cool. Here we go. This is part 1 of a 5 part series featuring small business owners that are in the process of going from Zero-to-Hero. Enjoy!
Our first Hero-in-the-Making is my good friend and Certified Turbulence Trainer, Dennis Heenan. Dennis started from scratch, practically broke, but is now traveling through Spain for the summer, and his online business allowed his wife to QUIT her job!
Let’s hear from Dennis…
Q: Dennis, why did you attend the 1-day info Mastermind with Bedros and Craig back in May 2013?
I was an overworked and frustrated personal trainer that was trying to run a website on the side trying to bring in some extra money.
My passion was in the online side of things and I really wanted to grow that.
After having a year of frustration trying to make money online, I decided to quit my personal training job and attend the 1-Day Mastermind.
I guess quitting my job and taking the leap to go online full-time was showing the confidence I had in Bedros and Craig and their ability to help grow my business.
Q: How was your business doing before attending?
Oh man, I was struggling. My web business had made about $250 for the entire first year I was online. I knew things had to change. I needed mentors.
Q: What three take aways did you get from this one day mastermind.
1. Fail forward. Don’t worry about the little things. Take action.
2. Listen and DO! Craig and Bedros give the directions, you follow and DO.
3. Connections, connections, connections. You have to put yourself out there and meet people. Make friends and then make money with your friends.
Q: And most importantly, how has the Mastermind helped you with your product and profits?
I now have over 25 products and with the help of the 100k mastermind, I’ve grown that to 3-4 thousand per month and most importantly, my wife has been able to quit her job and join me as we continue growing the company while we travel the world living the amazing Internet Lifestyle.
Q: What would you tell others who have an info product idea and are considering attending a 1-Day info mastermind?
DO IT! If anything, you will have an outline for what steps you need to take next to get your product out there.
At some point, you have to take the leap and make it happen. And Bedros and CB are the people who can make it happen.
Thanks Big Dennis!
I love this story and it’s been a pleasure to watch Dennis’ personal and professional growth.
In January Dennis won our Mastermind Transformation Contest. We allow all 45 members to enter, and we pick the top 3-5 to present at our meetings (held three times per year – in Miami, San Diego, and Vegas).
Dennis shocked-and-awed the crowd in Miami and won the grand prize of hotel and airfare for the San Diego meeting.
And now he’s off galivanting through Spain.
I love it.
I hope to be able to share a story like this about you someday.
Be like Dennis and NEVER ever give up on what is important to you.
Keep on pushing on,
Craig Ballantyne
Everyday can be New Year’s Day, a time to start over, to create a better life. So Do It. Celebrate and TAKE ACTION with your information. You already know ENOUGH. What you need now is fast action. You only get paid for done. Focus on speed of implementation. Just get started. Life rewards action