free 4-minute Afterburn circuit

In 2001, in sunny Orlando, Florida, I discovered the pot of gold at the end of the fat-burning rainbow. I was at the annual ACSM science convention with my good friend and fellow nerd, Brad Pilon.
I remember the day clearly. Brad Pilon had just went back to the hotel ice cream buffet to put more M&M’s on his sundae while I stayed at the table and flipped through some conference research studies.
That’s where it hit me. The study went like this. Ten women did two different workouts with weights. In one workout, they did a heavier weight, getting just 8 repetitions per set. In a second workout they used a lighter weight, doing 12-15 repetitions per set.
The researchers found that the 8 repetition workout allowed these women to have a greater AFTERBURN – that’s the increase in calorie burn and fat incineration that occurs after a metabolic resistance exercise like the ones I give you every week.
The Afterburn is magical, lasts for 24-48 hours, and gets you twice the results in less than half the time of a slow, boring cardio workout. Here’s a sample program.
The 4-Minute Afterburn Circuit
1) DB Goblet Squat
2) DB Row
3) DB Swing
4) DB Chest Press
– Do each exercise for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds
– For muscle building, go through this circuit up to 4 times and rest an extra minute at the end of each circuit
Of course, this type of circuit is really tough to do in a busy gym, or if you have to change the weights with adjustable dumbbells, or if you have NO equipment. But there’s GREAT news…we’re giving you a free and easy version here…
Discover how to do the Afterburn circuit without equipment <= free
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Follow this additional free plan for success in all areas of life…
Control what you can (your actions and thoughts).
Cope with what you can’t (emergencies and other people).
Concentrate on what counts.
Stay positive. Believe in yourself. Focus on your progress, not perfection. Let’s go!