How to do more chin-ups and M-MRT

After yesterday’s article, one TT reader emailed in to say:

I used Ben’s squeezing techniques in my workout today and I’m feeling it. Loving the tip.

Glad you are…but today is the last day for the sale on his program and my bonus gift to you of ALL eight TT Meatheads programs.

Just grab Ben’s program here <=== Price increases tonight

(And send your receipt in to us by email and we’ll send youout your TT Meatheads bonus workouts.)
Q: Can you explain how you’d set your workout up with the techniques you described yesterday? – Jer


First, if you wanted to do a main strength superset or exercise, you’d do that as normal. That’s what I did in my workout yesterday.

Then I followed it with what I call M-MRT. This is slightly different than MRT (regular Metabolic Resistance Training).

M-MRT stands for Muscle-MRT and that’s where you’d use Ben’s squeezing techniques I described yesterday. You’ll
use less weight in this type of training compared to regular MRT.

Then follow that up with regular total-body metabolic conditioning training (MCT).

If you want, finish with metabolic fat loss finishers (MFF).

I know it all sounds a little complex, but it’s simplified when you have professionals put together your programs, as Ben and I have for you.

Grab his program here and I’ll send you all eight of my TT Meatheads programs as a bonus. Just email us at with your receipt.

Q: Can you help me do more chin-ups? I can do only do one right now. – Sean

Yes sir.

The biggest factor for many folks is losing fat. Of course, the TT and 24-7 fat loss programs are perfect for that.

As you lose fat, you’ll need to increase your strength.
Here’s how…

Get a chair to give you a boost up to the top of the position. Make sure you can do this safely.

Then grip the bar for dear life and lower yourself to the bottom position taking 5 seconds to do so.

Repeat only 2 more times. That’s enough for a first session, otherwise you will be very sore.

Next time, do 2 sets of those 3 reps. The next time, 3 sets. Then work your way up to a 10 second lowering.

Once you can do that, you’ll be able to do 3-7 chinups (palms facing you).

Next up…working on your pull-ups, the overhand grip, more difficult version of the exercise.

Let me know how it goes,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – Don’t forget, you’ll get all EIGHT of my TT for Meatheadsprograms when you get this intense workout on sale today. Your bonuses will include these two legendary fat burning workouts:

a) TT for Reformed Meathead Fat Loss

b) TT Meatheads 4×4

So get all of these workouts when get Ben’s program today.
That’s over $235 worth of Meathead workouts – as a bonus to you when you get Ben’s new training program for $30 off today.
Just email your receipt to us here at TT HQ at this address:
Now that’s what I call hooking you up with everything you need to build winter muscle – and NOT winter fat.