The Secret to a Convincing Sales Letter: Add a Villain

The secret to a great sales letter is in creating a villain.
This is really cool. Our 100K Mastermind members have stepped up in a major way this month with tons of expert tips being posted on our private Facebook group. These are big money takeaways that even veterans like me can use to increase profits and conversions. You’ll love this!
One Secret to A Convincing Sales Letter
I was struggling to get 1,000 customers a year. Each offer brought in a couple hundred, but I couldn’t crack the code…
Here’s the ONE thing that transformed my sales letters and VSL’s in the last year.
I added a “villain” in my copy.
- For my Fat Shrinking Signal offer, it was leptin resistance.
- For Flat Belly Flush, it was thick, sludge-like digestive bile that’s clogging up your organs and making it nearly impossible to burn fat.
- For Wake Up Lean, it was hidden inflammation.
- For Slim Belly, it was estrogen dominance.
FACT: People will do so much more to avoid pain than the will to gain pleasure.
That’s why sales copy ridden with benefits can do okay once in a while (if the promise is strong enough), but usually they fall flat.
I know all of mine did. Nobody cared how much fat they could burn with 10-minute workouts, until I brought in the fact that they may be leptin resistant, and these short workouts were the cure.
Same product, but different copy that introduced a “villain.”
And this copy finally worked! I went from 700 sales in six months to 8,000 in six weeks. So if your copy isn’t converting like you want it to, take a look and see if you have a “villain”. Obviously you don’t want to make one up, but there are so many conditions that can be solved with healthy eating and exercise, you just have to shine the light on them and make your readers SEE it. Bring it to light…Make them confront it… And then weave your product in as the solution.
I wrote five sales letters before one worked. And for each of those five, I probably re-wrote each one 10 times or more.
So don’t give up!
Awesome, thanks D!
If you know of someone that wants to get started online or that wants to finally hit the 7-figure mark in revenue, have them watch this video.
See you at our next event,
Craig Ballantyne
“Being a part of the 100K Mastermind group has taken me from having no knowledge of the online world, no product, and no contacts to a 7-figure business today. I’ve been able to help over 50,000 women with my online coaching programs and I’ve learned so much that I’m now able to help coach the Mastermind. I’m a teacher at heart so this is a huge win for me.” – Shawna Kaminski, Master CTT