European Bodyweight Workouts

If you didn’t already know this, Austria is beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous.

We (a group of 6) are out at a very nice chalet about 40 miles from Salzburg (220 miles from Vienna) and we’ve spent the week biking, hiking, and rafting in an amazing environment. I’ve also done a couple of bodyweight workouts in the backyard of the idyllic chalet we’ve rented.

Monday was a complete off-day (traveling), but on Tuesday morning we set up gymnastics rings and I did:

– 200 pushups (rings, decline close-grip, regular)
– strap fallouts (like ab wheel rollouts)
– strap x-body mountain climbers
– Ring rows

However, I aggravated an old upper back injury during Sunday’s workout in Lithuania, so I wasn’t able to do as many rows as I would have liked.

Sunday’s workout was short but fast paced, and I think it was the burpees that led to my upper back/neck issue. It’s not a big deal, just an old injury, and I’ll get it fixed when I arrive back in Toronto on Monday.

Sunday started with a big bodyweight warm-up followed by

1A) Towel 1-Arm Row
1B) Pushups
1C) Towel 1-Arm Row
1D) X-Body Mountain Climbers
No rest between exercises – Repeat twice.

2A) 30 Second Burpees
2B) 30 Second Diagonal Lunges

3A) Towel Chest Press
3B) Reverse Lunges
No rest between exercises – Repeat twice.

4A) 20 Second Burpees
4B) Mountain Climbers

5A) 10 Second Burpees
5B) Close Grip Pushups to Failure
5C) Bodyweight Squat – Timed Intervals

Followed by a swim in a cool Lithuanian lake, then a nap, and then one last sauna party with Karaoke. Lots of fun.

Question: What type of workout plan do you follow? Your workouts seem to change all the time?

Answer: This is only because I’m traveling. When I am at home in Toronto, I follow this 4-day per week schedule:

Workout A – Squat focus

Deadlift focus Workout D – Meathead Upper Body Off

So my workouts are actually quite structured.


Last chance to join us at the TT Trainer Summit next week, where you’ll get the chance to do 2 bootcamp workouts (one each on Friday and Saturday)

Grab your spot here: =>

Train hard but safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Certified Turbulence Trainer