BIG Idea Quickies for You

big idea

Have you ever wondered, “How the heck do I stand out in this crazy busy world?”

It seems like every good idea is taken.

But don’t worry, that’s fine.

You don’t want a ‘good’ idea.

You want a BIG idea.

And that’s what I’m going to teach you today…

…with help from my friend, Dean Jackson.

First, my tips…

I’m going to share with you Part 1 of my Big Idea Formula

Part 1 => Be Contrarian

What does it mean to “be contrarian?” It means you’re saying the OPPOSITE of what most people believe is true.

For example, in 1999 when I started writing my fitness emails it was contrarian to tell people that cardio was a waste of their time. Today, that’s normal thinking. Back then, I was a heretic, and that allowed me to stand out and make a HUGE impact.

Here’s another set of examples…

Check out these headlines I found in the UK Telegraph paper today… all of them go against the grain and made me want to click:

  • How working at home can kill you
  • Why yo-yo dieting is better than nothing
  • The 10,000-step fitness myth

So… What belief can you turn upside? What common knowledge can you destroy?

Tim Ferriss did it in 2007 with The 4-Hour Workweek.

George Soros did it back in ’87 when he “found the trend and bet against it.” (Google that one.)

Steve Jobs did it with 10,000 songs in your pocket… back when everyone thought you could only carry 10-15 songs at once.

Find something that you know is not true, but that everyone believes, and make a convincing case for your contrarian argument. 

This is how you stand out and have a BIG breakthrough.

But wait, there’s a LITTLE more to it…

You need to properly articulate the big idea message.

And for help naming your big idea, we go to my friend, Dean Jackson.

Dean wants to give you a framework for creating the TITLE for your book/product and that’s part of your BIG idea.

It’s really, really, really important to have a good title… more for a book than a product, but still, the right title can sell itself!

(On the other hand, a terrible title, like I dunno… TURBULENCE TRAINING… becomes nearly impossible to sell without a TON of hard work… not that I know any goofball that would name his workout program, Turbulence Training. Hah!)

As Dean says, “your title really is the thing that makes invisible leads visible and picking one that resonates with your audience can be a game changer.”

=> Check out some of the titles Dean has created
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If you’re still struggling, don’t worry.

Here’s a link to a recording where Dean teaches you to create a great title

Alright, now you have almost everything you need to create your big idea.

There’s just one last step.

Go watch this video for ALL the phases of my BIG idea formula

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Now you’re ready to take your BIG idea to the bank!

Let me know your big idea when it’s done.

Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne

PS – If you need help…

…SELLING your big idea, then you need to be at my Mastermind meeting in May.

Watch this video to learn more about it

Craig Ballantyne

If you want to double your income, work less, and become the ambitious millionaire you've always wanted to be... Craig Ballantyne is the coach who will help you do it. With more than 20-years of experience as an entrepreneur and five 7-figure businesses under his belt, he specializes in helping "struckling" entrepreneurs get out of the mud and build the business of their dreams. To see if you qualify for Craig's "Millionaire Coaching Program" send an email to with the subject line "Millionaire".