Best Weekend Workout Tip

Hey, happy weekend! Can I ask you to do me one quick favor before I give you an awesome tip to cut your workout time?
Thanks so much (in advance)!
Here’s the deal…the 17th TT Transformation Contest just wrapped up and now it’s your chance to choose who wins my $$$. Please vote for the hard working men and women right here:
These are amazing and incredibly inspiring stories, PLUS the men under 40 category is SUPER competitive. Voting will be open until
Tuesday night. Make sure you go through and vote for ALL four categories, too. Thanks so much.
Now I know what you’re thinking, “Will there be another Transformation Contest this year?”
YES, there will be a NEW Transformation Contest starting on Sunday, September 1st. The timing is perfect because the NEW Turbulence Training 2.0 (with follow-along workout videos) will be released on Tuesday, September 3rd. Just wait until you see these workouts. Sixteen weeks of thirty minute thermogenic fat blasters.
Until then, remember this Transformation #Truth:
“It is unreasonable to think we can earn rewards without being willing to pay their true price. It is always our choice whether or not we wish to pay the price for life’s rewards.” – Epictetus
Do not pass the responsibility for your success off on to anyone else. The truth is, no one will care as much about your goals as you do. No one. Personal responsibility is the only thing that works, and it will set you free.
And now…drum roll please, let’s talk about the #1 Weekend Workout Tip.
Maximize your time in the gym by using combo exercises.
For example, here’s a 3 exercise workout that is really 6 exercises. But using them in combo format allows you to get more work done in less time.
- 1A) Clean & Press (use barbell or dumbbell) or DB Squat-Press
- 1B) Stability Ball or TRX Jackknife + Pushup
- 1C) Pull-up or Chin-up with Knee-Up
- Do 6-12 reps per exercise.
- Rest as little as possible between exercises.
- Rest 1 minute at the end of the circuit.
- Repeat the circuit 2 times.
Using combo exercises cuts down on rest time and increases your conditioning. These exercises and workouts aren’t easy, but they get you in and out of the gym in less time so that you can enjoy more time in super-fun weekend activities.
(Like taking ol’ Bally the Dog down to the river for a swim – where he combined swimming and water drinking…and the end result is him puking up his lunch…hmmm…maybe some things shouldn’t be combined…LOLz!)
So that’s the #1 Weekend Workout Tip to get your training done faster while still building muscle, burning fat, and dramatically increasingyour post-exercise calorie burn – Turbulence Training Style!
Now to finish off, I promised you some photos from the John Mayer concert the other night. My good buddy Joel Marion donated to John’s charity (details below) so that we could attend a quick pre-concert meet-n-greet. As you can judge by the photo, John Mayer is tall (even without the hair). I’m 5’9″, so he must be almost 7 feet, right? ha ha.
Not John’s best photo ever…but a funny and nice guy in person.
And here’s the view from our front row seats. Pretty cool. Judging by the audience around us, if I ever have a son, I’m going to buy him a guitar. I’ve never seen so many pretty women of all ages, from 21 to 51, swooning over a guy before. It was a sight to see…and made me think I wasted my high school years working out instead of learning to sing!
The kid can play guitar, too. Impressive skills.
Finally…just a quick note on John’s charity of choice that Joel supported:
“We want to sincerely thank you for your Tickets-for-Charity® purchase, especially on behalf of our Partner Charity for this event: NCIRE – The Veterans Health Research Institute. With your purchase, you helped clinicians and scientists further their research on treatments for military veterans’ specific injuries and diseases as part of the world’s most dedicated and successful Veterans’ care community; it was a win-win for everyone!”
Thanks again to Joel for taking me and being so incredibly generous. He’s a true Go-Giver – and don’t forget, Joel is giving you this carb-diet blueprint.
And with that, let’s all go out and make the world a better place this weekend. Do something kind for someone today – even a stranger.
I’ll be back tomorrow with something super special to end your weekend.
Your friend and coach,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Wait until you see what I have for you tomorrow…
…it’s my “Better than Ice Cream” dessert recipe.
So incredibly good…and so easy to make that even “Craig the Kitchen Clutz” can’t screw it up…although I actually did screw it up on Friday.
Details tomorrow. Have a great weekend until then!