Bedros Keuilian Success Secrets

I look at this every day.
It’s 11.5 inches long.
I have 3 of these papers, 11.5 inches long, laminated, and filled with the secrets of success from one of the greatest leaders in the fitness industry.
This leader is one of the most generous people I know. He donates to Shriner’s Hospital (over $100,000 every year) and to our ETR Toys For Tots Drive (he helped us buy over 5,000 toys this year), and he helps thousands of personal trainers – just like you – make more money and have more freedom.
But this man was once a poor immigrant kid that couldn’t speak a lick of English and who had to dumpster dive for his food with his family.
He’s come a long way.
What is his one secret?
He’s a workhorse.
After our Toys For Tots party on Saturday, December 7th, he was back in his room by 9pm working on a few emails to promote – his annual event that will attract over 600 people this year.
But being a workhorse is not enough.
You need the right mindset and strategies. Over the years I’ve been secretly collecting his wisdom and I’ve compiled it into this list that I review every day. Each morning I read one item from the list and apply it to my life, and in many cases, I post it to Facebook or turn it into a lesson for my TT Trainers.
Enjoy this Big B doc. Print it out. Use what applies to you. Review one every day. Become a better person. Be generous. Give more back, like Big B, and you will succeed.
The Big B Doc
1. When in doubt…give more back.
2. Appreciate your clients.
3. Be a value ADDER not a value extractor.
4. Set MASSIVE goals.
5. Be specific with your goals and dreams.
6. Dream big.
7. Ask why often
8. Create good daily habits
9. Genuinely thank 10 people per day.
10. Be coachable.
11. Practice what you preach.
12. Reject fear, greed, and doubt.
13. Give to get.
14. Visualize success daily.
15. Know what you want.
16. Get what you deserve.
17. Help others get what they want.
18. Fail forward.
19. Believe in yourself.
20. Lead with passion and purpose.
21. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
22. Create a lifestyle business.
23. Surround yourself with successful people.
24. Delegate, motivate, and sell.
25. Focus on the big levers.
26. Outsource the little things.
27. Don’t be a spectator in life – PARTICIPATE.
28. Focus on the critical few and not the trivial many.
29. Break the chains of “training time for dollars”.
30. Stop talking…start doing.
31. Laugh a lot.
32. This life is not a trial run.
33. Don’t take yourself too serious.
34. Destroy negative self-talk.
35. It’s okay to ask for help.
36. Step outside of your comfort zone.
37. Don’t limit yourself.
38. Be grateful for what you have.
39. Change your negative beliefs about money.
40. Money is a vehicle to freedom and lifestyle.
41. Expect more of yourself.
42. Avoid crabs, time vampires, and batter drainers at all cost.
43. You deserve better.
44. Pay it forward.
45. Sell once and never again. Use EFT or auto-debit so you don’t have to continue to sign-up the same clients again and again – every 4-6 weeks. Having automatic recurring income gives your business predictable income.
46. Sell the big package first. It’s just as easy to sell a 12-month commitment as it is to sell a month-to-month program if you know how to structure an offer the right way. Again, you get piece of mind and reliable income and your client benefits from commitment to a program (and therefore results). Plus, clients who commit to 12 month programs are three times more likely to stay with you for multiple years.
47. Don’t chase your dreams…chase your goals. Set goals. How much $$$ do you want to make? What are you going to do to make it? What do you have to do each day to reach that goal?
48. Have multiple poles in the water at all times so you never run out of leads
or prospects:
a. Offline marketing
i. Human billboards
ii. Lead boxes
iii. Body fat table
iv. Direct mail
v. Charity drives
vi. Free Saturday bootcamps
vii. Bring a friend week
viii. 21-Day rapid fat loss promo
ix. 6-week transformation programs
x. Small group seminars
xi. Grocery store tours
xii. Client referral systems
xiii. Plastic gift cards
xiv. Past client reactivation system
b. Online Marketing
i. Facebook ads
ii. Deal of the Day promotions (250 clients in one day)
iii. Search Engine Optimization + Youtube videos
iv. Direct response websites
v. Squeeze pages
vi. Email marketing
vii. Pay per click ads
viii. Endorsed email mailing by local businesses
49. Don’t be a bottom feeder. The number one solution most trainers turn to when business is slow is that they lower their prices. But they need just 42 people paying $197/month to provide a $100K/y income. Aim for the higher prices. You don’t want clients who stress about money or can’t make payments. You want action takers…folks who have time, money, and burning DESIRE to lose fat and get in shape.
50. Don’t be an order taker…be a closer. Marketing can teach you a thousand ways to get leads, but if you don’t know selling, you can’t close them. If you can’t convert a prospect into a customer, if you don’t have a selling script/system that is proven and predictable, then you are going to STRUGGLE no matter how good your lead generation marketing is and how many people you can get in front of you.
51. Be a kick-butt client keeper. Here are the 3 best tactics:
a. Give them results. It doesn’t matter how much they like you, they signed up
for one reason that’s to get results. If you don’t deliver MEASURABLE and QUANTIFIABLE results then they will leave.
b. Give them LOVE. Most people don’t get enough appreciation, love, attention, or enthusiasm in their life. Not at work, not at home, not from their spouse or kids, not even from themselves. Come with the love and bring the ENERGY.
c. Reward your clients. High profit margins from bootcamps allow you to reward your clients. Treat them. Appreciate them. Give them a gift card, handwritten note, personal text message, and recognition.
52. Decompress often. Life’s not about working. We work to get a lifestyle or freedom, but don’t be a slave to your business. Get out, go away for the weekend, and come back with more energy and clarity.
53. Reward yourself. Having big goals is awesome, but you must set smaller “milestone” goals too. These are goals that you can reach on a regular basis and reward yourself for by doing something cool. Savor the moment and then set the next goal.
54. The OLD way of making money is no longer the RIGHT way. You don’t have to trade time for dollars anymore. Leverage your business by using systems and people to make money even while on vacation. If you don’t have a high converting website that can easily be found through search engines and can process orders online – get one. If you’re your best employee then hire a trainer to deliver the training so you can have more time to work on your business and more free time for family, vacations, and hobbies. Forget about linear income or trading time for dollars. Think multiple streams of income, think leverage – where you can have multiple affiliates out selling for you. That’s REAL security and it gives YOU the time and freedom to live the life you want.
55. Raise your rates and your value perception. Most people think they can’t raise their prices because the competition is charging less and people think they must stay cheap to keep prices competitive. HOWEVER, the biggest mistake you can make is to compete on price. It’s a war you can’t win. Instead, position your business so that it can’t be compared “apples to apples” with your competition. Set yourself up to be different and incomparable to your competition so that you can charge higher prices.
56. Craft your up-sell funnel. People who buy from you are much more likely to buy from you again. And at the moment they buy is when they are most likely to buy again. That’s why you must have upsell offers that provide speed and automation. What can you give customers that offers the opportunity to get even faster results or to get the results done-for-them? The list of upsell options is nearly endless and can add a significant amount of profit each month.
57. Systematically sell higher priced programs. Get paid in full UP-FRONT. Reduce collection headaches and have cash on hand to invest in your business.
58. Create a culture of referrals. Getting “cold-clients” through marketing takes time, effort, and money. As soon as possible, start transitioning to referred client attraction. It is the easier and cheaper way. BUT you must teach, coach, and condition your clients to give you referrals. The minute someone joins/buys, you should be saying, “Mr. Jones, as I can help you get what you want and help you XYZ, can I count on you to refer your colleagues/friends/family to me to help me reach more people?” In addition, do something nice for your clients each month. Show them love and recognition with a hand-written card and Starbucks gift certificates. Let them know how awesome they are. These are things that get people to love you and want to refer you clients.
59. Plan your promotions six months – or more – in advance. If you’re running your business by the seat of your pants then you’re probably pretty stressed and feel like your business is unpredictable, right? You don’t need anything fancy, just
a wall calendar or spreadsheet or iphone app.
60. Give to Get. “Help enough people get what they want and you’ll get what you want.” Push the free line and start giving your best stuff away. Work – for free – with people of influence. Get them fantastic results, show them loads of appreciation, and get them to talk you up to the marketplace/community.
61. Stand out. You must stand for something and attract the right people while not being afraid to repel the wrong people. You need to over deliver, give faster results than promised, and become the go-to leader for your market.
62. You must APPLY all the information you have…you can’t just gather information. You must take action. Many folks invest time and money in learning new skills but are still broke because they haven’t put them into use. Be an ACTION TAKER, not an information gatherer. Do, don’t just talk. Get outside of your comfort zone. Avoid self-sabotage. Take responsibility for your success by
being an action taker. Fail forward. Those who don’t take personal responsibility and don’t take action will be in the same place 12 months from now…only older. I know you’re different, and I know you are an action taker. You want a better life, and you deserve it, now go out and get it.
63. Three factors to make more money:
a. Get more clients
b. Get more money from each client
c. Raise your prices
i. Automate and systematize this process to put yourself in a position to make a lot of money and have a ton of freedom to enjoy it.
64. Use direct response marketing and forget about “branding” or image advertising. DRM is accountable marketing, and you know when it works. It is also designed to get people to take a specific action by a specific deadline.
65. Go for the low-hanging fruit first. Use low-cost profitable marketing techniques first, such as:
a. Rapid Results promotions
b. Referral strategies
c. Targeted ads
d. Local networks
e. Small seminars
66. Use auto debit/EFT to increase client retention and free up time to focus on marketing – not payment chasing.
67. Sell bigger, long-term programs and products. If you’re only selling small, single products, then you’re leaving a lot of money on the table and doing your clients a disservice. Offer a bigger solution.
68. Leverage your time. Never waste a minute of work time. Sell one to many.
69. Sell other products and services that will increase results and add value to the lives of your existing clients.
70. Become a better closer (online and offline). All the marketing and lead generation in the world means nothing if you can’t convert that prospect into a paying client. If you want to instantly increase your income then learn how to close more sales and how to get more from every sale.
71. The fastest, easiest and most direct way to success is to model it. Don’t try to recreate the wheel. Instead, surround yourself with people who are already achieving what you want. Get coaching, buy into mastermind groups, and model success.
72. You must build an email list and contact them on a regular basis. Build a list, stay in touch with them, give them great content, build a position of strength, build the KLT factor (Know-Like-Trust), and make irresistible offers to them.
Pretty amazing list, right? Think that can keep you busy, motivated, inspired and making more money in 2014?
It’s guaranteed.
Use that as your success blueprint.
And to build on that, make sure you attend the 2014 Fitness Business Summit where Bedros and I will be teaching you even MORE strategies to be one of the world’s best trainers and leaders in the fitness industry.
Grab your early bird discount seat to Fitness Business Summit here
The world needs more experts like you to change the world for the better.
Help change lives today,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – I will buy you a beer at FBS 2014…
When you attend my Saturday night session…
It’s legendary. Everyone knows that Bedros and I pull out all of the stops.
And this year we have one of my best friends, Jay Ferruggia speaking right after – and before – me. (I’m doing TWO sessions this year!)
Plus, we have the world’s BEST fitness speaker, Martin Rooney, who will deliver the most motivating session you have ever attended. Guaranteed.
You cannot call yourself a Personal Trainer and miss this event.
It’s mandatory for fitness industry leaders like you and I. See you there.
Grab your early bird discount seat to Fitness Business Summit here
The Fitness Business Summit will literally change your life. We’re dedicated to helping you get more clients and make more money – and get those clients even better results in less time than ever.