The Best AND Worst Investing Advice

Would you like to earn an 18% yield on one of the world’s safest investments? It’s something anyone can do. You simply need to learn one of the great investment secrets in the world. This secret is part of earning your “master’s degree of investing.” This secret isn’t basic stuff like knowing what a dividend…

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What You and Warren Buffet Have in Common

Today we’re going to address a major concern for investors… and deliver a controversial conclusion.We have a good idea of what investors believe at any given time. We often know it before they do. We know what people actually believe… rather than what they tell a poll-taker or write down on a survey. We know…

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An Unconventional Book That Changed My Life

I was probably 20 years old when I read Market Wizards for the first time… I was very early in my career as a trader and investor. I barely knew the difference between a stock and a bond. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to do for a living. Since my first read, I’ve…

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