Fight Sun Damage: Super Foods for Super Sun Protection
Using a quality SPF on your skin daily is important but there are some simple and natural ways to help protect your skin from the inside out.
I get this question a lot: “How can I naturally protect my skin against sun damage?”
Everyone loves my answer: Eat More Food!
Ok, let me qualify this… After all, I’m not suggesting you eat just any old food.
I’ve discovered 3 major food groups that do double duty offering both protection against & healing from sun damage.
Right there in your grocery (maybe even in your own fridge!) are items that not only protect your skin against the damage of UV rays, but also can help reverse sun damage. Now, that’s a win-win!
These foods have a powerful sun-blocking, skin-soothing secret. They’re rich in antioxidants, compounds that fight free radicals associated with skin damage and premature aging.
- Red & Orange Fruits and Vegetables: lycopene and beta-carotene are two types of carotenoids that have been linked with both protecting against UV rays and reducing the reactions to sunburn.
- Green Tea: packed with polyphenols that fight against the development of skin cancer by enhancing DNA repair.
- Fatty Fish: powerful anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fatty cold-water fish lending powerful protection from free radical damage and some types of skin cancer.
In addition, here’s a list of super foods for super sun protection so you can enjoy some rays plus get your vitamin D without damaging your skin:
- Red & Orange F&V’s: Bell Pepper, Carrot, Cherries, Sweet Potato, Pomegranate, Raspberries, Orange, Mango, Strawberry, etc.
- Green & Black Tea
- Fatty Fish & Shellfish: Salmon, Sardine, Anchovies, Herring, Mackerel, Tuna (watch mercury content)
- Crimini Mushrooms
- Purified Water & Coconut Water
- Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbages, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Collards, etc.
- Dark Leafy Greens
- Dark Chocolate! (70% or higher)
The trick to gleaning these sun-protecting, skin-saving super powers is to eat these foods on a regular basis so your body has a constant supply of the materials needed to support healthy skin.
You can also load up on these specific veggies a few days prior to a day in the sun to boost protection from the inside out and get your shine on!
In Love & Gratitude,