7 Proven Tactics to to Double Your Lead Generation (Without Spending a Dime)

There are few skills that will have a greater impact on your bank account than your ability to generate qualified leads for your business.
You can be one of the top closers in the world, have the best product or service on the market, and provide insane levels of value to your clients…
But if you aren’t able to find people who are interested in what you have to offer, then none of these other factors matter.
Don’t worry if you struggle with that. I’ve got you covered. What I’m about to share has helped clients like Zander Fryer, a business coach, generate over $42,000 in sales in one month. It’s also helped dozens of “Main Street” brick-and-mortar businesses get dozens of new customers and members each month.
To help you master this skill set – so that you can be one of my next success stories – I’ve put together the 7 most effective lead generation strategies that will work for you right now.
Implement these seven success strategies and I promise you that your business will never be the same.
1. Get Referrals from Existing Clients
Any time one of my clients tells me that they’re struggling to find or close new leads, I always ask them one question…
“How many times have you asked for referrals in the past 30 days?”
One of the fastest ways to close more deals is to tap into the “hidden profit center” of your existing client base and begin asking for more referrals.
They are the low hanging fruit of your marketing efforts and–by themselves–can easily help you double or triple your income in 2019.
The reason referral based lead generation is so effective is that you’re able to “skip” a step in the conversion process and begin the conversation with higher levels of “KLT”
If someone is referred to you by a friend or family member who has already achieved success with your product or service, they are infinitely more likely to trust you and, as a result, buy from you than any cold lead you’ve generated online.
Effectively asking for new referrals takes about 30-seconds per request and will yield a much higher ROI than any Facebook ad, Instagram video, or blog post guaranteed.
But now that you know to ask for referrals, the question remains… when should you ask for referrals?
The second you receive a testimonial or thank-you message from one of your existing clients.
For example, in the last week, I received the following emails and used all of them as an opportunity to ask for new prospects.
“We’ve gone from not being able to afford a vacation, to being so busy we dreaded taking a vacation, to ultimately being able to take a vacation with no worries (we’re leaving for Jamaica today – first class – and I have an empty email inbox). We now have an outstanding team that we trust and rely on to take care of things while we are away. This is true freedom! Thank you for your part in our personal and business transformations! We will be forever grateful!” – Darren, nutrition coach
“After reflecting on 2018 I wanted to say THANK YOU! I’ve doubled my revenue from last year and blew past the goal that I set at your workshop back in March (by $30k!).” – Joey, copywriter
“Thank you for an amazing 2018. You’ve helped me triple my business in the past year while working fewer hours than before. Really looking forward to 2019.” – Frank, seminar guru and course creator
After receiving each of these emails, I immediately congratulated them on their successes and asked if they knew anyone who might benefit from one of my programs.
And, in under an hour, I had five new leads sitting in my inbox, warmed up, and ready to go to the next step.
Start asking for more referrals now.
You’ll thank me later.
2. Get Even More Referrals from Partners and “Competitors”
After tapping into your existing client base to find new clients, turn your sights toward partners AND competitors–individuals or businesses in the same industry but that offer complimentary services (e.g. a relationship coach and a business coach) but that might also have under-served customers.
Show them the value of what you bring to the table, and ensure they understand that your services don’t directly compete with their own.
For example, anytime I talk with a lead who isn’t a good fit for my coaching program, I’ll refer them to Vince Del Monte, Zander Fryer, Bedros Keuilian, or Amanda Bucci. To some (scarcity minded) people, these folks might look like competitors… but they are not. I prefer the term “co-operator”. Individuals who are all in the same industry but who serve a different niche. They send me clients and I do the same in return.
Make a list of the top 10 people and companies that you could reach out to for new referrals and put a note in your calendar to send them an email this week.
Be sure to add some sort of incentive to your offer – like the $1,000 referral fee I pay my partners for referrals to new workshop clients. I promise that you will have dozens of new leads waiting in your inbox before the end of the month.
3. Use My Instagram Social Story Selling System
In 2018, I made more money from Instagram than I did from any other platform including my email list (although we still did pretty well there).
How did I do this?
By answering one simple question…
“What thoughts are going through my clients head’s on a daily basis?”
You see, most marketers create and share content with a scattered approach.
There’s no method to their madness. They simply think of a topic that might be relevant to their audience and then build a post or video around it.
If you want to double or triple your business in 2019, then you’ll need to be smarter than that.
Before you read any further, I want you to pull out a sheet of paper and a pen and ask yourself, “What are my ideal clients thinking about each day of the week?”
What’s getting them excited on Fridays? What stresses them out on Wednesdays? What do they look forward to on Saturdays?
The better you understand the thoughts, patterns, and behaviors that your ideal prospects follow on a daily basis, the better you’ll be able to create content that captures their attention and converts them into a paying customer.
When you master this skill, your prospects will start to feel like you are “inside of their head” and understand their problems–and by extension the solution to their problems–better than they do themselves.
By creating hyper-targeted content that solves the biggest pain points and problems your prospects are facing each day of the week, you will quickly become their go-to “guru”.
And this is when the magic really starts to happen.
4. Stretch Your Content as Far as It Will Go
One of the biggest mistakes that I see online entrepreneurs making in 2019 is that they fail to leverage their content to its fullest capacity.
Here’s what I mean…
When I create a video for Instagram TV, I don’t just create a video for IG TV.
I create a video that will later be used on LinkedIn, YouTube, my blog, email list and Facebook.
Remember this rule: Create once, apply everywhere.
Create content that can be re-purposed on several different mediums and used in a variety of ways to build KLT with your followers, drive new leads to your business, and–of course–close more deals.
5. Use Email to Build Relationships and Close Deals With Existing Leads
It’s been said that, in 2019, email is dead.
The truth is that “bad” email is dead.
Good email still works… great!
Email still is, and will continue to be, one of the most important marketing channels for any online business owner who is serious about increasing their revenue.
Most business owners drastically over complicate their email strategy and, as a result, leave thousands of dollars of potential revenue on the table each and every month.
If you want to make more money from your list, then keep it simple and remember to throw a monthly SPEAR… or a message that is, Short, personal, and expecting a reply.
For example, my client Jason Capital has used the following email to drive tens of thousands of dollars in new revenue to his business.
Subject Line: Still interested?
Email Body:
Are you still interested in building a 6-figure online income in 2019?
That’s it…
This might seem too simple to work, but it isn’t.
This simple email strategy is used by top marketers all over the world and–if tailored to your specific audience/niche–has the potential to drive thousands of new leads to your business every single month.
Test it out for yourself and let me know how it works in the comments below.
6. Create a Free Facebook Group
One of the more underrated strategies for quickly finding new leads and increasing your revenue–despite what you might have heard–is to create a free Facebook group and offer massive value to your members.
These groups grant you a unique opportunity to give your prospects results in advance and clearly showcase your expertise in a more intimate and personal setting than you could on a blog or video.
And, if you use them right, they can serve as a catalyst for massive growth in your business.
For example, my client Jason Maxwell has a free Facebook group dedicated to online fitness experts who want to use Instagram to make more money.
He shares valuable posts and insights every week, demonstrates his expertise by responding to questions and offering results in advance, and then nudges group members to a strategy call where he sells them on a $2,500 program.
To help him leverage this asset even further, I encouraged Jason–as I’m now encouraging you–to grow his group as big as possible and post three times a week with the following themes:
Money Monday:
[GIVE] What’s worked for you for making on IG? Best answer gets a shout out in my story!
PS – Insert CTA to free book offer
Wisdom Wednesday:
[ASK] What’s your biggest question about using IG? Best answer from the group gets a free PDF copy of my book!
PS – Insert CTA to request strategy call
Funnel Friday:
[TEACH] How does your IG funnel work? Best answer gets a 10-minute strategy call with my team!
PS – Insert CTA to buy your course
Customize this formula to fit your specific group and apply it every week.
I promise, the results will surprise you.
7, Host a Small Event or Workshop to Close New Prospects
The final lead generation strategy I’m going to share with you is also the most intimidating…
Hosting live events.
Look, if you’re a coach or consultant who is serious about doubling your business in 2019 while working less, then you need to get in front of your ideal clients face-to-face and show them the results you’re capable of delivering.
The key to succeeding with this tactic is to start small, execute fast, and keep it simple.
Rent out a conference room at one of your local co-working spaces or hotels ,email your list or post on social media, and try to get at least 6 people to show up for a $97 half-day event.
Demonstrate your mastery over your craft and deliver as much value as you can during this first event to get your attendees sold on your product or service before your pitch.
During the last 30-minutes of the event, explain your offer, and invite the participants to make a purchase and begin working with you 1-on-1.
If you’ve effectively executed the event, you should have no trouble closing 1-3 new clients every single month from this tactic alone.
And while this – and all of these ideas – might seem intimidating, just remember that advanced results require advanced measures. You will leave your competitors in the dust as they wonder how you are growing so fast without wasting money on ads.
Do the work… it will all pay off.
Because as one of my favorite quotes states:
“There is no traffic jam on the extra mile.”
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