6-Minute Bodyweight Cardio Circuit
Yesterday was amazing. Ol’ Bally the Dog and I spent the afternoon lying out in the backyard. I read, scratched under his chin, read some more, and gave him a few belly rubs. Doesn’t get much better than this. But then it did.
I turned the tables. Usually he acts as my personal trainer, watching me go through my workouts in my little garage gym, but yesterday he got all worked up and started sprinting in circles, showing off how fast he could go in his fat burning intervals.
It filled my heart with joy to see him running around like a frisky puppy, as if it was the day I adopted him in 2006. Now I know he’s just a dog, but I stood there grinning from ear-to-ear, as if my own son had just hit the World Series-winning home run at Yankee stadium.
Huffing and puffing after 20 seconds, he rested for 10 and repeated his intervals a few times, just like you’ll do today in your Bally-inspired…
6-Minute Bodyweight Cardio Circuit
1) Pushups
2) Total Body Extensions
3) Mountain Climbers
4) Jumping Jacks
5) Rocking Plank
6) Run-in-Place
– Do each exercise for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds before the next move.
– Repeat the circuit one more time for a total of 6 minutes.
– For a NEXT-level challenge, do each exercise for 40 seconds and rest for 20.
Whew. I’ll bet you’ll be huffing just like ol’ Bally was…and you’ll soon be as lean and fit as him, too, no matter what your age. He’s still going strong at age 10 (in human years) and doesn’t have any hip, knee, or joint pain because of the anti-inflammatory diet and regular exercise schedule that he keeps.
Now if you can’t say the same about your body, I have great news for you.
My friend, Certified TT Trainer and Denver’s #1 pain-relief specialist, Missi Holt, put together a set of free videos for you to help relieve your hip, knee, and back pain. She’s giving them away here:
Get your free pain-relief videos today
Soon you’ll be pain-free like ol’ Bally the Dog and full of energy. Your tail will be wagging uncontrollably about this deal. Well, at least HIS is! Ha.
Enjoy that workout – and if you can’t, then get pain-free with Missi’s help today.
Here’s to solving all of your problems and reaching all of your goals.
Your friend and coach,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS – Keeping it simple today…
Plan now so that tomorrow you: Win your morning. Control your day. Own your time.