10-minute metabolism makeover

1999 was the best year of my life. It was my final year of graduate school and I still had the youthful energy to juggle my research projects, a part-time job as a personal trainer, and a very full party schedule.
It was around this time that I revealed the biggest workout fraud of the last 50 years – the use of slow, boring cardio for weight loss. Cardio wasn’t giving anyone the weight loss results they desired (and I’m sure you’ve found that out the hard way, too).
Cardio didn’t work for getting a nice body then, and it doesn’t work now.
Here’s why. In 1999, a study was published in the Journal of the American College of Sports Nutrition that looked at two groups of overweight men and women.
One group was assigned a cardio workout four times per week while the other group did resistance training three times per week. At the end of 12 weeks, the cardio group had a significant decrease in their resting metabolic rate.
Each day the cardio-trained subjects were burning 210 calories LESS than normal.
That’s the equivalent of cutting a small chicken breast and half a potato from your diet. No wonder people on cardio workouts sometimes overeat and GAIN weight.
The cardio group also lost 10 pounds of muscle during the 12 weeks. That left them looking skinny-fat. They might have lost weight, but they looked worse. It’s the kind of change that causes your friends to ask if there’s something wrong with you.
On the other hand, the resistance training group lost 32 pounds over the 12 weeks and ALL of that was fat.
That’s right, the resistance group didn’t lose a single pound of muscle… and they increased their daily metabolism by 63 calories per day.
So if you skip cardio and switch to resistance training, you’ll burn almost 300 more calories each day… the equivalent of being able to eat an extra slice of cheese pizza!
The facts are clear.
If you want to look great, lose weight, and get back in shape, the ONLY way to do that is with short, burst resistance training.
But if you want to look worse, get weaker (making it harder to carry groceries), and lose metabolically-active muscle, then do lots of cardio. Your physiotherapist will thank you (because you’ll be paying for expensive treatments on your sore knees and back).
And here’s even more great news…
This research was conducted over 15 years ago, and plenty of groundbreaking new science has been published (including several studies by yours truly).
And I’ve discovered, through both science and experience, that you don’t have to exercise for 12 weeks to achieve this “Metabolism Makeover.” In fact, you can lose up to 17 pounds in just 25-days when you use the right workouts.
For example, this one…
10-Minute Metabolic Makeover-Style Bodyweight Workout
– Do each exercise for 40 seconds.
– Rest 20 seconds between exercises.
– Repeat the circuit for a 10-minute metabolic workout that boost post-workout burn
1A) Total Body Extension
1B) Reverse Lunge or Split Squat with Back Foot Raised (40 seconds per side)
1C) Spiderman Pushup (alternating sides) or Kneeling Pushup
1D) Bodyweight Row or Iron Cross
If you do this type of workout just 3 times per week (making sure to do a different set of exercises each day), you can makeover your metabolism and regain control of your body.
And while it’s tempting to just hop on a cardio machine and go for 30 minutes, that does NOT help you change your body… and it only slows your metabolism… and leaves you with achy joints.
Switch to bodyweight exercises you can do at home (saving you time and money compared to going to the gym).
Best of all, you can have me take you through every single exercise on video in the comfort of your living room. And you’ll never run of fun videos in this variety pack.
Click on the link below to get the ULTIMATE at-home metabolism boosting videos.
Get over 70 Metabolism-Boosting Bodyweight Exercise Videos here
They take just a few minutes each day and in 25 days or less you’ll be burning an extra 100 calories or more per day while losing fat and keeping your metabolic muscle.
That’s how you change your body at any age.
Just say “NO” to cardio and “YES” to a rip-roaring fat burning furnace.
Taking care of your metabolism and never letting it slow down,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – This sounds CRAZY, but it’s true…
…and if you apply it to your life, you will achieve more than you EVER imagined.
So here it is…
More Structure in Your Life = More Freedom in Your Life
The freedom you so desperately seek in life comes only from having more structure in your days.
Get up 15 minutes earlier tomorrow to work on your #1 priority in life. You won’t regret it. This will allow you to plan for the obstacles in your way and to spend time visualizing success. These are two important factors in identifying what really matters in your life so that you can focus your time and energy here.
Here’s how to get more STRUCTURE in your weight loss program so that you get more results.
Get 70 Metabolism-Boosting Bodyweight Exercise Videos here **shows you EXACTLY what to do**
I’ll take you through every exercise in these videos and help you get amazing weight loss results in just minutes – all without slow, boring cardio workouts that only sacrifice your metabolism.
That’s how you change your body at home, with NO equipment, in just minutes a day.