5-minute Glute Grinder circuit to build your butt

Wowsers. I did this workout last week and my glutes were tight for a few days – in a very good way! It wasn’t enough to make my legs too sore to walk down stairs or take Bally on one of his legendary morning walks (pics below), but it was just enough to let me know that I “did my body (booty) good”.
You’re going to love this, and YES, there is a beginner version below…
5-Minute Glute Grinder Circuit Workout (Advanced)
If you use an interval timer, set it for 30 seconds.
Do each exercise for 30 seconds.
Rest only where indicated.
1) DB Split Squat – 30 seconds per side
No rest.
2) Box Jump or Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds.
3) TRX Assisted 1-Leg Squat – 30 seconds per side
Rest 30 seconds.
4) KB Swing – 30 seconds
5) Lying 1-Leg Hip Extension – 30 seconds per side
Want to go again? Rest 60 seconds and repeat one more time. Just stick to 2 circuits so your legs don’t get too sore. Trust me, it will be enough.
Like butt workouts? Try this:
And now for the beginner version…
5-Minute Butt Circuit Workout (Beginner)
If you use an interval timer, set it for 30 seconds.
Do each exercise for 30 seconds.
Rest only where indicated.
1) Bodyweight Split Squat (hold wall for balance) – 30 seconds per side
Rest 30 seconds
2) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds.
3) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds.
4) Lying 1-Leg Hip Extension – 30 seconds per side
5) Plank – 30 seconds
Get more beautiful butt workouts here
Have an amazing week,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Training
PS – This is your one and only life! Here’s what to do…
Make the right decisions, right now, for it. And remember that it is the people and experiences in life that matter, not the stuff.
Review your past actions and your future dreams. Keep it all in perspective. Pursue the truly important, not the shallow and fleeting illusions of modern success. Let others have their fame and trinkets…stick to what matters, what you know in your heart is right, and live virtuously, lead by example, and stick to your vision.
You are the boss of this life, make it count when it comes to what matters. Never give up on it. You will succeed. We believe in you and we know this approach will work.
Let’s go and keep going!
PPS – Speaking of going…
Here are some photos from an amazing Thursday morning walk with Bally. He even took a Ballfie (Bally selfie) for you. 🙂