4-Step Secret to Success Plan

What do Ryan Deiss, Suze Ormand, Frank Kern, Ramit Sethi, Brendan Burchard, Jason Ferruggia, Mike Whitfield, Isabel De Los Rios, Vince DelMonte, and so many other world-famous experts have in common?
They all have information products that allow them to help thousands – if not millions – of people worldwide. These info products make them more money than they could make doing ANYTHING else. And these info products … position them as authorities and experts in their respective niche markets.
But what makes these people the “gurus”?
Why is it that they make substantially more money than the average expert?
Are they better than everyone else?
Do they have some secret sauce?
No, they don’t. They’re just like you. They put their pants on one leg at time. They just have fancier pants.
The secret to their success is in being a world-wide published expert thanks to their info products. That allows them to reach more people, have more influence, and build a massive audience 24/7, even while they sleep.
If you’re an expert in your field then you can reach the same level of success and financial security as the people mentioned above – Click here to see how.
The secret is in productizing your knowledge and expertise and making it into an online information product.
(That’s what our friend Kevin Harrington, the inventor of the Infomercial and star of TV’s Shark Tank will explain at our event.)
Whether your goal is to create a book or DVD (they still sell!) or online coaching program, the formula is the same. You must have…
What makes your program or product different than what’s out there now? Does it give faster results in just 14- or 21-days? Is it a blueprint? Are you delivering an online workshop? Do you have more success stories than everyone else? What is your BIG IDEA? This is the key to setting yourself apart in any market.
How will your program be delivered and used? Do you give them the videos all at once or “drip” the content over a period of time? Will you have a membership site with recurring payments or will this be a one time sale? Will you have up-sells in place? If so, what format will they be delivered in and what additional value will they add?
Like it or not, but without a well written sales letter, your product will never sell and affiliates will avoid promoting it.
Fortunately, writing sales copy is as easy as explaining to your mother why someone should buy your product.
Here’s a 4 step formula for crafting killer sales copy from my friend and multi-million dollar salesman, Bedros Keuilian…
A. Start with a benefit rich and specific results promising headline
B. Open your sales message with a story that creates desire and opens a loop (to be closed later in your sales message).
C. Craft your irresistible offer and back it up with facts and social proof.
D. Ask them to take action and give them a reason to (fear of loss, desire to gain, a sense of urgency).
(aka – Set up a funnel to generate interested leads to your info product)
You can’t count on affiliates and joint venture partners alone to help you make sales. The fastest and most consistent source of new leads is through setting up your marketing funnel… this may be though Facebook, YouTube, Google Pay Per Click, or all of the above.
Here’s a system that works for Bedros and for our team at EarlyToRise.com, as well as our many coaching clients.
The best lead getting funnels are a variation one of these two…
A. Ad > opt in page > to low barrier offer > micro (dollar amount) continuity
B. Ad > high value/low priced offer > 3 up-sells > indoctrination/more offers
Those are the four things that make up a profitable and quickly successful online info business…
…HOWEVER, there are a lot of things that can go wrong and that can leads to lost money and a ton of frustration if you don’t get things right.
And that’s why Bedros “I can’t spell but I can sell” Keuilian and I are putting on this two day event to help you create and launch your first online info product in 30 days or less.
After this weekend you’ll have a complete step-by-step plan for making more money by helping more people. We’ll show you how to quickly and easily create a product based on your expertise and sell it to the world (Bedros and I have sold products in over 103 countries – and counting!).
With this online info product blueprint, you’ll have more money, freedom, and time so that you can enjoy a nicer lifestyle for yourself and your family.
But the only place to get our 30-Day Info Blueprint is at our special event in November in Southern California. It needs to be taught in person so that you walk away with a full understanding of its power, and so that you can ask your questions to us in person as we teach you these secrets to success.
Register for this Event With this Early Bird Price Registration Link
Committed to your success,
Bedros Keuilian & Craig Ballantyne
Don’t let the little opinions of small minded people stop you from achieving your big goals and dreams. Your “enemies” are harmless. They tease because your progress threatens their comfort zone. Live – and lead – by example. They may become your strongest allies. So don’t let anyone hold you back and never give up on what is important to you.
And if your dream is to build an amazing online business, join us here.