4-minute ‘hot zone’ workout [free bonus]
Hey, I almost forgot to tell you about something important. A few years ago I wrote one of my most popular articles ever on “Hot Zone” fat loss training.
It’s based on 4 specific areas of your body that make the greatest impact on your fat burning metabolism and weight loss. If your workout hits those spots, then you’ll drop the pounds fast. But if your workout is missing even just ONE of the four hot zones, you could be out of weight loss-luck.
Fortunately I know exactly which moves activate your 4 hot zones, and I’ve put together a free bonus workout for you.
The TT 4-Minute Hot Zone Fat Burner Circuit Workout
– Do each exercise for 40 seconds and rest 20 seconds before doing the next exercise.
– Do the circuit up to 3 times if you want a ‘long’ 12-minute fat burning challenge workout.
1) DB Squat
2) Decline Pushup or Regular Pushup
3) TRX Row or DB Row (20 seconds per side)
4) Rocking Plank
Don’t wait to take action. Use this today.
And that goes for all of the fat burning secrets I send you. Be a fast action taker. That leads to fast results, and research shows that people who get fast results end up getting better long-term results, too.
Start believing in yourself and overcome all those mental obstacles that stopped you in the past.
You can do it.
Your time is now,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS – Did you hear about this?
There’s a new weight loss study looking for people just like you who would love to lose 10lbs or so in the next week.
If you fit the following 3 criteria then you should check it out…
- You are at least 10 pounds or more overweight
- You are willing to follow a few simple instructions
- You are between the ages of 21 and 69
If you meet these 3 requirements then check out all the details here…
==> YES, I Want To Lose 10lbs By Next Wednesday
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer