“Help, Craig!” my friend Jen said to me on FB last week.
“I need a short workout that boosts my mid-day energy levels and KILLS my fat cells so I can slim down my tummy and thighs”
If that sounds like something you’d like, then I have GREAT news for you.
We just posted a brand NEW 4-minute fat burner on YouTube.
It’s a FREE follow-along workout. Enjoy!
Do this 4-minute fat cell killer
And if you want something more advanced, try this 4-round fat cell killer that I did in the garage at my friend Bedros Keuilian’s house last week.
I was visiting Bedros to film some new videos (see below for us in our fancy clothes!).
Here’s the workout:
1) Kettlebell Swings (or Total Body Extensions) – 45 seconds
2) Kettlebell Goblet Squats (or Prisoner Squats) – 45 seconds
– Rest one minute and repeat 3 more times.
Fun stuff when you’re pressed for time.
Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Quick question for you…
Where do you want to be in life… but aren’t? Why is that? Make a list of all the reasons you are NOT there. Be specific. This process hurts in the short-term, but can set you up for long-term growth and development. Self-discovery sets you free… If you work on yourself.
