4-Minute Abs
My cousin Kelly just had her second baby.
“Craig, what can I do to strengthen my abs before I go back to work?” she asked.
Kelly’s a paramedic. She needs strong abs to protect her back. Heck, we all need strong abs to protect our backs. So the advice I gave her works for you too.
How do you know if you have strong abs?
You must be able to hold a perfect plank for 2 minutes straight.
If you can’t do that right now, here are some tips:
When you do a plank, squeeze your abs as if you were preparing for someone to punch you in the stomach.
When you do a side plank, touch your abs with your free hand. Touching your working muscles makes those muscles work harder. (You can use this trick for any exercise, including lunges, arm exercises, rows, and presses.)
Planks, side planks, and bird dogs are three exercises that you can do in every workout. These are endurance exercises that won’t make you sore, but they’ll strengthen your core and protect your back.
Here’s a simple 4-minute ab circuit you can add to the start or end of your workouts:
a) Plank – 60 seconds (do a modified plank on your knees if needed)
b) Side Plank – 30 seconds per side
c) Bird Dog – 10 slow repetitions per side
d) Mountain Climber – 10 repetitions per side
Now let’s move into a challenging bodyweight exercise circuit.
The Bodyweight Cardio Circuit
- Do each exercise for 30 seconds.
- Do NOT rest between exercises.
- BEGINNER: Just do the circuit 1 time.
- ADVANCED: Rest 1-minute before repeating 2 more times.
1) Prisoner Squat
2) Pull-up or Pushup
3) Total Body Extension
4) Elevated Pushup (15 seconds per side)
5) Reverse Lunge (alternating sides)
6) Jumping Jacks
7) Burpee or Total Body Extension
8) Spiderman Climb (alternating sides)
9) Inverted Row or Iron Cross Hold
10) Spiderman or Regular Pushup
There you go.
We’ve trained your core. You’re building a strong set of abs. You’re protecting your low back. And you’re using my Bodyweight Cardio to circuit to burn off Christmas Calories.
What a great way to start the week.
And here’s a great way to start getting ready for December.
Join me and over 935 other healthy habit changers in our NEW 21-Day Habit Change Accountability Club here on Facebook. It’s free. All you have to do is commit to changing a habit and we’ll help you do it. This is the support and accountability you’ve been looking for.
Please join our #ChristmasChallenge today!
See you there,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – You CAN do it.
Change and transformation aren’t easy.
But commit to doing this for YOU.
Focus on what matters.
This love for yourself will get you through the rough patches and you’ll ultimately get the big payoff.
You can’t get a rainbow without some rain.
Hang tough. Plan ahead. Be prepared.
Take action. Stay strong.
I KNOW you can do it.
Your time is NOW!
Join me and over 935 other healthy habit changers in our NEW 21-Day Habit Change Accountability Club here on Facebook. It’s free. All you have to do is commit to changing a habit and we’ll help you do it. This is the support and accountability you’ve been looking for.
Please join our #ChristmasChallenge today!