3 New Ways to Power Pack Your Snacks


Snacks are yummy, but they seem to cause a lot of anxiety.

What should I eat?

Is this a good choice?

How do I know how much to eat?

Snacks are a great option to sustain your body and mind between meals. They should be simple, yet inviting and satisfying.

It can be easy to get stuck in the rut of packing the same old snacks or even grabbing something quick that may not be the most balanced choice for powering your mind and fueling your fitness.

One of my go-to staple snacks is to pair nuts and seeds with fruits or veggies. They are quick to put together, most are easily portable, and the variety of combinations is endless.

Plus, you can choose from seasonal, local produce to boost nutrient density and flavor.

Quick Tips For Quantity:

¼ cup Raw Nuts & Seeds or 2 Tablespoons Nut & Seed Butter

½ cup or 1 average sized piece of fruit

*Your body may need more or less depending on individual requirements


Here are 3 of my new favorite Fresh Fruit Snacks – twists on many of our old standbys:

  1. Instead of pre-packaged dried fruit and nuts: Make a Fresh Blueberry Trail Mix
  1. Rather than pack a PB&J loaded with sugar: Make Fresh Strawberry & Sun Butter Toast
  1. Love Peanut Butter and Apple but craving a snack on the sweeter side? Try My Walnut Pear Crumble

    Fresh Blueberry TrailmixMock PB & JWalnut Pear Snack 2 (1)

Each of these new takes on fruit and nut snacks offers a fun way to wake up your taste buds and satisfy your hunger without adding extra sugar or processed junk!

Happy Snacking!

Fresh Blueberry Trail Mix

  1. Mix ½ cup fresh blueberries with ¼ cup raw mixed nuts.
  2. Enjoy!

Fresh Strawberry & Sun Butter Toast

  1. Toast Ezekiel Bread or Whole Grain Bread.
  2. Slice 4-5 Strawberries.
  3. Paint Sun Butter on toast and top with berries.
  4. Enjoy!

Walnut & Pear Crumble

  1. Slice a fresh pear into rounds.
  2. Paint walnut butter on top (I use Life of Riley Walnut butter – it’s to die for)
  3. Sprinkle with cinnamon.
  4. Enjoy!

In Love & Gratitude,

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