3 “fountain of youth” secrets from my 60-year old “rich dad”
You’ve probably heard of the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
In my life, my real dad was a dirt-broke farmer. He worked very hard to raise his family, but we never had a lot of money.
Then when I was 25, I met my “rich dad”. He worked very hard, too, but he was able to build businesses and make investments that made him very rich today.
My “rich dad” is named Mark Ford.
Mark also taught me how to live better. In fact, he has 3 health secrets that can act like a fountain of youth for you today.
And he wants to give those away to you right now. Sound good?
Okay, great, so here we go…
Fountain of Youth Secret #1 – Go to Bed and Get-Up at the SAME Time Every Day
I resisted Mark’s advice for years.
But when I finally listened to what he said, and started going to bed at 10pm every night and getting up at 6am every day, SEVEN days a week, my life changed.
Suddenly I had more energy EVERY day.
I no longer felt sleepy at 2pm after lunch.
And I wasn’t dragging my butt on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings, recovering from my weekend “sleep-in”.
Making this change will give you the energy of a 25-year old again.
It’s the best thing you can do to have more All-Day energy (without dangerous and disgusting energy drinks).
And it’s such a simple – and free – tip you can start using right now.
Fountain of Youth Secret #2 – Short Burst Exercises Make You Young
Each morning Mark gets up and sprints on the beach outside of his beautiful mansion in South Florida.
Some days he does short, burst bodyweight exercises (like I teach you in my videos).
Mark knows that these short bursts increase the fountain of youth in your body by increasing your natural GH levels.
GH is a fat-burning hormone that makes you look and feel young again.
And all it takes is a few minutes in the morning… again, for free.
No fancy equipment or gym membership needed.
Just use my free exercises videos, like this one, to boost your GH levels.

Help me get to 1 million views by watching this today… 200,000 times. Ha!But wait, there’s more…Fountain of Youth Secret #3 – Eat Whole, Natural Foods… and Treat Yourself, Too!
Mark starts the day with delicious organic eggs, has a lunch of fresh caught local fish, and finishes with grass-fed steak.
But he’s not all work and no play.
Mark loves fine wine, and even fine tequila (yes, apparently that exists, ha!).
This might sound expensive.
But Mark has shown me time and time again that you can live RICH without spending a lot of money.
In fact, he wants to teach you these secrets, too.
Watch this special presentation on Thursday night
He’ll show you how to…
- Invest in a “Billionaire’s bed” for better sleeping …without spending big bucks
- How you can live RICH no matter what your age or income
- The fastest and most effective ways to set-up your family’s finances for success
I want to know these answers too, and that’s why I’ve flown all the way out to Mark’s ‘hideout’ in South Florida from Early To Rise headquarters in Denver.
And on Thursday night at 8pm I’m going to interview Mark and get him to give up his secrets to all TT viewers.
Don’t miss out.
You can attend for free.
Get access to your special Family Finances event on Thursday night here
More secrets coming your way soon,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – And remember…
…even though you might be struggling in faith, family, or finances…never forget:
Whatever is in your way, you’re stronger than it, you’re tougher than it, and you’re better than it. You’re going to beat it. You must truly believe in yourself. You must end the “I’ll give this a try” mindset, and switch to an, “I’m going to succeed” belief.