3 Big Ideas
I’m down in Denver and up to my neck in ETR meetings on some really cool projects and launches, so it’s Mikey “Mastermind Pancakes” Whtifield to the rescue with his three big ideas from our recent 7-figure Mastermind meeting.
3 A-Ha Moments That Will Boost Your Income
By Mike Whitfield
I have discovered a mastermind works much like a client with a trainer. Let’s imagine for a moment a situation between a trainer and a client. The trainer asks, “What are your goals?” Then the client replies with, “I’m not really sure”.
It would be pretty difficult for the trainer to help them right? Then the client says, “I guess I would like to lose weight”. The trainer then responds with, “That’s great. I can help you. What size are you looking to be in and by what date?”
Again, the client responds with, “I’m not sure”. That makes it difficult for the trainer. The trainer has no idea what they are working with. The client is obviously not going to get the maximum benefit from the trainer.
This is why I got more out of this last mastermind than any other. I came more prepared than ever. I knew what I wanted to accomplish and what I wanted to improve on and because of that, Craig and Bedros gave me the blueprint to build my business. They knew exactly what they were working with.
One membership site and two more big promotions in 2013 coming right up…
And as usual, I had some “A-ha” moments that will make a big impact on your business if you put them in action.
A-Ha Moment # 1 – It Won’t Take That Long
A dream of mine has been to create a membership site for my customers and readers. I wanted to accomplish this “sometime” in 2013. Bedros and Craig said that a membership site can be up and running in 8 weeks. That lit a fire.
So take whatever deadline you have and cut it in half (c’mon, you’ve heard this before). It’s not as complicated as you think it will be. Network with other people and you’ll discover the shortcuts needed to make it happen (thank you fellow mastermind members for the ideas and contacts).
A-Ha Moment # 2 – CRANK the YouTube Videos
People love content. Google loves content. Google will reward your YouTube content by bringing you traffic. More Traffic = More Customers. More Customers = Building Your Business. Adam Bornstein even talked about this when he dropped social media bombs on us.
Rick Kaselj (the Croation Sensation and one of the best value-givers in the business) did 20 videos while he was in San Diego at the mastermind. His readers are going to love the content and he’ll be adding tons of value, all while getting more traffic and leads.
A-Ha Moment #3 – Know Your Numbers
Before the mastermind, I did my homework and understood exactly what I needed to improve on in my sales flow. Because of that, we were able to dissect exactly what was needed to change and how it can improve.
You can do the same – to start, know these numbers:
Monthly Sales Amount
Front End Conversion %
Upsell Conversion %
This is how I discovered my second upsell was doing better than my first so I switched the two and my first upsell doubled in conversions.
Bonus Tip – Get an Accountability Partner
This is powerful and Craig reiterated this at the mastermind. Start with a weekly check-in with your accountability partner and tell him/her your sales, the affiliates you contacted and your biggest lesson you learned that week. This will instantly improve your business (not to mention, you’ll get 52 business-building lessons in a year).
Quote of the Mastermind That Stuck with Me…
“You will only fail if you give up. That’s it. That’s really it. That is the only way you’ll fail. If you never give up, you’ll never fail. It really is that simple.” – Bedros Keuilian
If you’re reading this, you haven’t failed,
Mike Whitfield
P.S. – Pancakes!