15 Minute Fat Burning TT Circuits

I just went to my favorite gym in America. I like it even better than Fit Athletic in San Diego and that gym is amazing). But my #1 gym is Tampa Bay’s legendary 40,000 sq. foot Powerhouse Gym. That’s where I did my workout yesterday. Part of the workout, a 15-minute circuit, went like this:
Craig’s PowerHouse Circuit
1A) Barbell Squat
1B) Box Jumps
1C) Pull-ups
1D) Pushups
This is the kind of total body fat burning workout that you can do at home with just bodyweight exercises and dumbbell modifications. It’s also the same kind of metabolic resistance training that we do in TT 2.0. Here are two ways to do a 15-minute dumbbell + bodyweight MRT circuit.
Option #1: Lower Body Lift Focus
1A) Dumbbell Split Squat – 30 seconds per side
1B) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds
1C) 1-Arm Dumbbell Row – 30 seconds per side
1D) Pushups – 60 seconds (rest in top position if needed)
– Rest as little as possible between exercises.
– Rest 1 minute at the end of the circuit and repeat 2 more times.
Option #2: Upper Body Lift Focus
1A) Dumbbell Chest Press – 45 seconds
1B) DB Goblet Squat – 45 seconds
1C) Dumbbell Chest-Supported Row – 45 seconds
1D) Pushups – 45 seconds (rest in top position if needed)
1E) Total Body Extensions – 45 seconds
– Rest 15 seconds between exercises and at the end of the circuit.
– Repeat the circuit 2 more times.
Lots of fun! It’s amazing what you can get done in just 15 minutes.
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Never do cardio again,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer