10 Ways to Speed Up Your Workouts
If you want to spend less time exercising while still getting great results, then I have good news.
Today, 10 ways to make your workouts shorter, PLUS a BIG surprise…
Method #1 – Do 1 set instead of 3 sets
Japanese researchers found that while men get more results doing 3 sets per exercise, the results were not 3 times better.
The 3 set workout resulted in a 13% increase in muscle growth and 32% increase in strength compared to only 8% and 20% respectively with 1 set.
So by doing 1 set, you’ll still get more than 60% of the results as you would with 3 sets.
Method #2 – Shorten your workouts with fewer exercises
The September 2010 TT Meatheads 4×4 uses only four exercises per workout and yet it is still incredibly effective for helping you build muscle and lose fat at the same time.
And I’m working on a new program called, “TT Clash of the Super Villains” that follows this 4 exercises per workout method.
You can get both of these workouts in the Ultimate TT Workout Deal available this week only here.
Method #3 – Stick to Multi-Muscle Exercises for Your Hot Zones
Back in 2004, while training dozens of clients and athletes each week, I developed my “Hot Zone Metabolism” theory.
Many clients showed up late with only 25-35 minutes to train, so we had to quickly work as much muscle as possible. That resulted in my identifying the 4 most metabolically active muscle areas of the body, and now all of my workouts revolve around working these areas.
I also created a program in August 2008 dedicated specifically to hitting the Hot Zones with only 4 exercises per workout. You can get that program in the Ultimate Deal at the above link.
Method #4 – Use Supersets and Circuits
Listen, if you’re new to TT and still using traditional bodybuilding straight sets (where you do one exercise then rest before doing that one exercise again) then you need to switch immediately to superset training.
Research shows this will dramatically cut your workout time and improve your workout results. So choose 2 non-competing exercises, pair them in a back-to-back superset with minimal rest, just like we do in our Turbulence Training programs.
Method #5 – Use DB-BW Fusion workouts in busy gyms
We all know how frustrating it can be to try and do supersets or circuits in a busy gym, so when you use one of the TT DB-BW Fusion workouts, you’ll have a pair of exercises that you can do without moving around or changing weights. This can slash 20-30 minutes off a workout.
Method #6 – Interval Training
Again, for the newbies. If you’re using long, slow cardio, you’re not getting the results you deserve for the time you put in. Using interval training, you’ll save 20-40 minutes and get better results than with cardio.
Method #7 – Timed Bodyweight Intervals
When you don’t have access to treadmills, bikes, hills, or even ellipticals for interval training, you can use my extremely popular “Timed Bodyweight Intervals” found in programs like “TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks” (Feb. 2009).
Method #8 – Use ONLY Bodyweight Exercises
Then again, you can also cut out your daily drive to the gym and save up to an hour per day on your workout by using bodyweight only workouts at home, with TT programs such as:
– The Turbulence Training 6-Month Bodyweight Manual
– TT Bodyweight Cardio 3 (June 2010)
– TT Bootcamps 1.0: 21 Bootcamp Workouts
– TT Bootcamps 2.0: 31 Bootcamp Workouts
– TT Bodyweight Abs 4-Week Bonus No-Equipment Workout
– TT Hotel Room Workouts
– TT Bodyweight Bodybuilding
– TT Bodyweight Bodybuilding 2.0
And that’s just a few of the bodyweight specific programs I’ve created. Plus, a new one, the TT Fantastic 400 is due to be released this month.
Method #9 – Stretch & foam roll between sets
When we exercise intensely to lose fat in less workout time, it’s important to spend time on recovery methods as well, such as stretching and foam rolling. But you can add these in between sets during your recovery. There’s never a good reason to just sit on a bench and waste time.
I have a program, TT Reconstruction from July 2009 that will show you how to incorporate foam rolling and stretching into your workouts to repair your body. It’s what worked for me in overcoming an injury.
Method #10 – Cut Time Spent on Arms and Abs
Now hold on, I’m not saying to NEVER do exercises for your arms and abs, after all, they are fun and everyone wants to have better, sexier arms and abs, but let’s just limit it to a few sets.
For example, you can use the 6-Minute Abs and 3-Minute Arms programs I created a couple of years ago (that reminds me, I should make a new version of these). You can get both of these workouts in the TT Ultimate Deal.
With the TT Ultimate Deal, you get access to all of the TT Workouts I’ve created, PLUS you’ll get EVERYTHING for the next 12 months, all at a ridiculously low price.
However, this offer is only available this week to the first 100 TT readers who take action here:
Once you get the deal, drop by the forum and let me know if you have questions picking the right workout for you.
And be on the lookout for these new workouts coming before the end of the summer:
1. August 2011 – TT Abs 2K11
2. TT Fantastic 400 Bodyweight Workout
3. TT Clash of the Super Villains
4. TT Metabolic Bootcamps – 21 New Bootcamp Workouts
5. 51 Interval Training Workouts
These will all be available to TT Ultimate Deal Members as soon as I’ve finished them.
Saving you time and getting you faster results,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
Certified Turbulence Trainer