#1 thing to remember on Superbowl Weekend

Over 100 million people will watch the Superbowl game this weekend.
Funny fact: I won’t.
If I have my way, I’ll be asleep before the halftime show!
But you’re a little more exciting than I am, and that means you’ll be watching the game with good friends and too much food.
A Superbowl meal of 2 slices of pizza, 10 chicken wings, and 3 beers is about 2,100 calories. Of course, who eats ‘just that’ at a Superbowl party?
According to Cornell University, the average American will eat 6,000 calories on Sunday. That’s even MORE than on Thanksgiving or Christmas. YIKES!
But here’s the #1 thing you need to remember…
It’s OK if you get off track once in a while. It’s minor damage that can be dealt with.
At most you’ll gain up to 1 pound of fat.
That’s it. That’s NOT a big deal.
And if the scale says differently on Monday morning, you can blame salt and fluid retention.
So forget about it… enjoy yourself (trying to stick to 3000-4000 calories, which is plenty!)… and then get back on track Monday morning. Drink extra water, avoid sugar, salt and trans-fats, use my short, burst workouts, and that weight will WHOOOOOSH right off of you.
You’ll be back on the fat loss fast track in no time.
All that matters is how you feel and perform, how your clothes fit, and how you confidently carry yourself. Take a deep breath, forgive yourself the mistakes of the past, and move on to a better day.
(Print that out for any day where you fall off the diet wagon.)
With that mindset, you’re going to have a great stress-free weekend.
Plus, I want to give you a kick-butt Superbowl Superset workout to do quickly in the morning to kick-off your fat burning and to motivate you to eat better all day.
The SuperBowl Sunday Superset Workout
– Do each exercise for 40 seconds.
– Rest 20 seconds between exercises.
– Repeat each superset (exercise pair) two to three times.
1A) DB Squat
1B) Pushups or Decline Pushups
2A) DB Goblet Reverse Lunge (alternating sides)
2B) DB 2-Arm Bent-over Row
You can get this all done in less than one quarter of football action!
You can even add in this “2-Minute Warning Metabolic Finisher” to fry more fat.
3A) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds
3B) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds
3C) Burpees (or Bodyweight Squats) – 30 seconds
3D) Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds
That’s a fat-burning touchdown right there.
Oh, and the third and final thing I wanted to mention (for personal trainers). I’m speaking at the “Superbowl of Personal Trainers” down in California next month.
The event is called Fitness Business Summit, and I’ll be on-stage with NY Times best-selling author, Lewis Howes, the world-famous nutritionist, Dr. John Berardi, and my fellow Canadian fitness expert from Toronto, Stephanie Joanne.
So if you’re a personal trainer and you want to help more people and make a bigger impact on the world, you need to be there.
Oh, and Daniel Woodrum, our Director of the TT Certification, will also be speaking.
Click here to reserve your spot and I look forward to seeing you!
Can’t wait for that kick-off.
Taking care of your Super Sunday,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Watch your email on Sunday morning!
Not only will I predict the WINNER and final score of the game, but you’ll also receive my exact step-by-step plan for surviving Superbowl Sunday better than you started it.
Whatever is in your way, you’re stronger than it, you’re tougher than it, and you’re better than it. You’re going to beat it.
You must truly believe in yourself. You must end the “I’ll give this a try” mindset, and switch to an, “I’m going to succeed” belief.
Stay strong!
PPS – The last time Peyton Manning won the Superbowl…
… I was watching the game on a Monday afternoon at a bar in Tauranga, New Zealand after spending the morning out “surfing.” (And by surfing, I mean falling off a surfboard and getting put into the ‘washing machine’ under the surf.)
And yes, I know that most folks from the UK, South America, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, probably don’t care about the game… but it’s a big event here in North America so let’s have some fun with it!
Do I think Peyton can reclaim the magic?
We’ll see on Sunday.
Stay tuned for CB’s look into his CB (crystal ball).