1 Diet Better than Paleo
I’ll be honest, I eat pretty close to a Paleo diet, but it’s not perfect for YOU, not even close. Unless you have true dietary-related illness (like I do), then you do NOT need to be so restrictive.
Still, there’s something to be said for cutting out the junk. Take a look at two ‘celebrities’ that have done so in the last week. First, there’s Presidential-candidate, Jeb Bush, he’s lost 30 pounds on a Paleo diet. It works.
And second, from my beloved New York Yankees, there’s Mark Teixeira, went on a gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free diet over the off-season to reduce the painful inflammation in his joints. Now he says, “I feel like a kid again!” and he’s off to a fantastic start.
So wouldn’t you like to lose 30 pounds and feel 20 years younger just from changing your diet? Of course, but a gluten-free diet is confusing because so many gluten-free foods at the store are filled with JUNK…(like sugar and processed grains).
Thus, while a gluten-free diet is much easier to follow than Paleo…but it’s still not the best diet. So what is, Craig?!?! What is this magical “Goldilocks” diet that is not too restrictive and not too confusing?
It’s called The Anti-Allergen diet, and this BRAND NEW cookbook shows you how to eat delicious foods while losing weight and feeling younger. It even helps you that helps you release years of “trapped” fat from your body – quickly and healthfully. This new fat-burning cookbook was created by my friend and NY Times best-selling nutrition author, Yuri Elkaim, and his “recipe wizard” wife, Amy.
Yuri & Amy (and their dogs) used to live in the same condo building in Toronto as Bally the Dog and I did, before they left the big, busy city for a nice home in the country where they could raise their kids.
Back in the day Yuri used to tell me about the skin and health problems he had from his dairy-and-grains diet that he ate while he was a professional athlete in Europe. But even though he was a pro athlete, he was tired all the time…until he went on the Anti-Allergen diet. And now Yuri and Amy are showing you exactly what to eat to lose 10 pounds or more while also looking and feeling 10-20 years younger.
Even better: there’s no counting calories, deprivation, or eating ridiculous “diet” foods.
Instead, you get to enjoy mouthwatering meals that are so tasty you’ll think they’re bad for you. Here are some of the recipes pics:
This cookbook was originally designed to be published by a large publisher, but then he and Amy decided that they wanted to get it out to help people much sooner than having to wait 18 months!
And now here’s how you benefit:
TODAY – to celebrate the release of their NEW “Fast Fat Burning Meals” cookbook…
They’re giving you a ridiculous 66% DISCOUNT along with 2 bonus cookbooks that I know you’ll love as well.
The best part is that ALL of Yuri and Amy’s tasty recipes are 100% allergen-free and help you drop fat and feel great – quickly!
Also, because they’re parents to 3 young boys under 5 years of age, they understand the need for speed and simplicity…without compromising on taste.
That’s why each recipe takes less than 15 minutes to prepare.
With sinfully delicious and simple recipes and meal plans like these it’s no wonder Yuri’s been a regular guest on Dr. Oz and The Doctors, while helping hundreds of thousands of people to incredible health.
So if you want to lose “trapped” fat – quickly – while eating delicious foods that do your body a world of good…and don’t have all day to spend in the kitchen, then this is the cookbook for YOU!
Get your “Fast Fat Burning Meals” cookbook here <—– 66% OFF + 2 bonus cookbooks
Stay Strong and Keep Pushing On,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Amy and Yuri are not superhuman. They’re regular folks like you and I who have simply discovered how to make eating healthy simple and delicious.
And you won’t believe their own transformations (especially Amy’s). Check ‘em out here:
==> Get “Fast Fat Burning Meals” here <—– 66% OFF + 2 bonus cookbooks
PPS – Take control of your health and energy today!
You too can look and feel younger, if you make the right decisions. And it will happen fast. So…
Don’t wait for life to come along and kick you in the butt. Make today GREAT.
Your life, your choice, your chance to change. You control your thoughts, actions, and behaviors. You control the outcome.
Choose wisely, my friend.