Fat Burning Secrets Question and Answer Period

In today’s fat burning secrets question and answer period, we’re going to discuss interval training, nutrition, and the best fat loss workouts (of course).

If you have a question, please join my Facebook page for your chance to ask me your workout questions during a QnA session.


Question from Paul Toner:  Hi Craig, two questions for ya. When is it best to take CLA tablets and in what amounts? Also once you get to your desired shape (stomach and all) do you need to do interval sprints (cardio) 3 times a week still?

– P.S. thanks for being such a magnificent individual.
– P.P.S.  can I have another nickname please?

Answer: Paul, obviously your nickname would the “Tone-Dawg.” So Tone-Dawg, first, I wouldn’t waste your money on CLA. I’m not a believer in any pills for fat loss.

Great question about the sprints…once you achieve your desired leanness, you can back off on that training and maintain your desired shape with diet and resistance training.

PS – You might also consider T-Bone as a nickname. That’s a classic, as George Costanza will agree.

Question from Dagmar Leigh: Craig, what can I take to have a little more energy during my workouts & go the extra mile?

Answer: First, make sure your lifestyle doesn’t contain any ‘energy sucks’, such as not enough sleep, poor diet, too many workouts. Next, caffeine will give you more mental alertness and may improve performance.

Question from Charlie Levine: Hi Craig. Here’s my conundrum…. my calves tend to lag behind. I’ve made a few corrections (i.e. pausing the reps to take out the spring out of the Achilles), but they remain skinny. I train them, they get sore, but they don’t grow. Any suggestions?

Answer: check this from our boy, Jason Ferruggia

Question from Mike Sessions:  Craig, I have fallen in love with kettelbell workouts. Do you feel like I can stick to a KB workout and not worry about any other workout programs to get results? I have seen 12lb weightloss and significant muscle definition and increase strength. Thx

Answer: Mike – If you want to get lean and fit, kettlebell workouts are great. You don’t need anything else.

Question from Tazzie Harrison: Which is better for workouts …..bodyweight exercises or gym machines such as leg press, extension etc….also which is better almond milk sugarfree or fat free milk? Thanks so much.

Answer: Tazzie – it depends on your goals. If you want to build massive amounts of muscle, the machines are better.  If you want to lose fat, both have equal potential. If you want to improve mobility and have healthier joints, bodyweight exercises are superior. For the milk question, the main benefit of cow’s milk is higher protein content.  The main benefit of almond milk is that it is significantly lower in calories and is not an animal product. I’ll let you decide what is more important.

Question from Ryan Atkinson:  My gym does not have a free standing bench press. Only a Smith Machine. Plus the dumbbells only go to 100.

Any suggestions on how to do more with less?  Especially the Meathead workouts. I can load up the smith machine with more weight but I hate the limited mobility. Can I do bench press and deadlifts on he smith? Or should I just increase the reps with free weights?

Answer: Ryan – The only true meathead solution is a new gym, even if that means traveling for one day of the week, perhaps a Saturday, to a different gym. TT Meatheads don’t use Smith machines.

Question from Dee Spillet:  I have been doing only two of your interval training workouts the past two years and have lost a ton….. But am I hurting my body by not switching it up?

Answer: You are not “hurting” your body by not switching it up. If you are getting results and are injury-free, you can keep going. But there are many, many ways to do interval training.

Bodyweight circuits, like in my bodyweight cardio 3 program, are a great alternative. I also have a program called “31 Interval Training Workouts” that give you a lot of variety.

Question from Haris Mirxa: Is it better to skip the whole day of unhealthy junk eating and having a moderately healthy but large dinner? OR is it better to be eating moderately unhealthy food (like fresh juices, roasted nuts, some cakes) intermittently throughout the day?

My life at university allows me to cook myself some food ONLY at night when i get back… no healthy affordable options anywhere near the campus

Answer: Haris, I don’t understand why you can’t pack apples and raw nuts and sandwiches. Even natural peanut butter sandwiches on whole grains are better than cake. I used to make grilled chicken sandwiches in University. If I can do it, so can you.

Question from Isabella Hodge: Does it make a difference working out prior to breakfast in the am? And if so, why?

Answer: Isabella – No, it does not make a difference for fat loss. You can workout whenever is most convenient for you. That said, first thing in the morning is very convenient for busy people.

Question from Michel Chouinard: I do weight lifting and cardio, when i do them both on the same day i usually do the cardio after weights since lower glycogen. Should I have my shake immediately after weight lifting and before cardio? What would be best for keeping muscles and losing mostly body fat for toning? Thanks

Answer: Michel – Do your complete workout, then have your shake. By the way, if you do an upper body workout, your lower body muscle glycogen is not depleted.  Glycogen depletion is specific to the muscles worked.

Question from Scott Sellers: What’s best for fat loss? High reps with moderate weight or heavy weight low reps. Or should I use both and just very little rest between sets.

Answer: Scott – avoid high reps with weights. Here’s a TT workout for you to follow –

Alright, that’s it for today’s fitness question and answer period. Click here for more Fat Burning Advice!

n today’s fat burning secrets question and answer period, we`re going to discuss interval training, nutrition, and the best fat loss workouts (of course). If you have a question, please join my Facebook page for your chance to ask me your workout questions during a QnA session.

Question from Paul Toner:  Hi Craig, two questions for ya. When is it best to take CLA tablets and in what amounts? Also once you get to your desired shape (stomach and all) do you need to do interval sprints (cardio) three times a week still?

PS thanks for being such a magnificent individual…